Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dear God

Dear God,

I want to thank you for everything you have given to me Lord. I am blessed to have such an amazing family. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for your faithfulness. Right now I want to lift up my precious little Hayden. Here I am on my knees, Lord, asking for you to heal her.

My baby girl is sick right now and in a lot of pain. I know it is nothing too serious and I know she will be better soon. I know there is nothing I can do and that in it self breaks my heart. I am her mommy…I am supposed to make things better. I know that there will be a hundred more times where she will be sick in her life but I want to be able to make her pain go away now! Please dull the pain in her mouth Lord. Please help her to be able to keep food and liquids down. Please heal the sores in her mouth. I know that she is feeling miserable right now. Please wrap her up in your arms and hold her.

Please give me the strength I need to help her and to take care of both her and Colton. Please give me the strength to clean up after she gets sick when I am trying everything in my might not to get sick right then and there. I am tired. Please give me wisdom to know how to help her and what to do for her. Please give me the patience to get through these next 5 or so days for this to clear up. I know all I can do is hold her and love on her. Please protect Nic and Colton from getting this. Thank you for giving the doctor wisdom and showing him what is wrong with her.

Thank you, Lord, for not letting this be anything more serious. I love you.


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