Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Night Out

It is now day 4 of this yucky virus Hayden has. The doctor diagnosed it as herpangina (and yes, I did laugh a little at the mention of this), which is like hand-foot-mouth disease, except just the mouth. Her poor mouth is covered with blisters. He said that it is going around town so beware! He also said there is nothing we can do for her except give her cold drinks and Tylenol. He said she would be miserable for 5-7 days. I asked about the vomiting and other gross stuff and he said they are just side effects and not symptoms. If you ask me, this all pretty much stinks. I wish I could be the one with this instead of my baby girl. I can’t stand to watch her in pain. She has been laying on the couch all morning now and won’t eat or drink anything. I guess the only good thing coming from this is all the snuggle time I have been able to have for her. I absolutely love holding her in my arms and just playing with her hair. I know I won’t get to do that when she gets older so I am taking it all in now!

Isn't this just pitiful?

On another note, my amazing parents offered to watch Hayden last night so Nic and I could go out with Steve and Tara. I took the little man along since I am nursing. Let me tell you, I think he LOVED his time as an only child. He smiled almost the whole time and didn’t sleep! He is just so precious. We had dinner and then Nic and Steve went to the Silverhawks game while Tara and I hit up the mall…something I haven’t done since before Colt was born. I don’t think Nic and Steve like Tara and I going to the mall together…we got our girls matching outfits!! Haha! But they were on sale so it is ok. I also found Colt a pair of flip flops for $4…yes…4 dollars and 21 cents! I was sooo excited and he looks so handsome with them! I almost lost them in the mall parking lot when they fell off his feet, but don’t worry…I rescued them from the oncoming traffic!

We were then going to go to the movies, but I was anxious to get back to Hayden so we decided to go to my parents’ and watch Dear John. Hayden was still awake when we got there so I was able to tuck her into her little crib and pray with her. I still love the fact that she knows to fold her hands when I mention the word “pray”. She went right to sleep so after talking with my family for a little bit and eating Dairy Queen (thanks to my lovely sister Sarah and my adopted sister Elizabeth), we started the movie. It was a pretty good movie…kind of sad, but boy do I love me some Channing Tatum!

All-in-all it was a wonderful evening. I am so thankful for such gracious parents willing to watch my sick baby girl and for amazing friends.

Now going back to Hayden. Since she has been sick, I have been able to just watch her, observe her. She hasn’t been moving a lot, which is hard to believe considering she is ALWAYS on the move, and so I just watch her. I know she isn’t even 2 yet, but I feel like she is growing way to fast right before my eyes, becoming a little girl instead of my baby. Her hair is growing and becoming more blonde (I think because of the sun), she is about 10 shades darker than I am, and she is getting taller and taller by the second. Seriously, is she really MY child?! She melts my heart every time she looks at me with those big brown eyes. I know I am biased…but she is just BEAUTIFUL. She amazes me every day with new things that she learns and picks up on. She is just so smart and knows exactly what I say, even if she doesn’t always do what I say! She is also becoming more and more independent…which I am not sure how I feel about that…at all. I know she still needs me, but she doesn’t always want my help. I have a feeling this is just the beginning. I am scared but so excited for what the future holds for my little girl. I pray every day that she follows God and will make wise decisions. She won’t always need me or want me, so I have to put her in God’s hands and let him lead her. But for now, I will enjoy this time that she still needs me.

1 comment:

marcia said...

yuck...all 3 of my kids have had the hand/foot/mouth virus...not fun...sounds horrible though, doesn't it? we kept wanting to call it "hoof & mouth" like the horse sickness :-)