Monday, July 12, 2010

Prayer Request

Today has been quite an emotional day. I woke up today wondering what we, as a family, were going to do. I knew Nic had a funeral to go to, SE he was going to work, and he had a meeting at some point. I thought maybe I would take the babies on a walk, go for a swim in our new little pool, play outside, and snuggle before nap time. I started thinking about what I would cook for dinner...if I needed to lay out meat, run to the store for ingredients, and so on. Hayden had slept in until 9:45, which was a total blessing. When she got up, we started our morning like we do every morning, getting Hayden milk, changing diapers, and getting dressed for the day. Nic got ready for the funeral and headed out the door. SO...I started to walk to our room to get Bubby and maybe fold some laundry (ok...a lot of laundry).
Little did I know that the day would make a turn in a blink of an eye.
I got a phone call from my mom. She told me that my grandpa (her dad) called her that morning and told her he thought this was it...that he felt like he was dying. He said he had a bad spell Friday and another one last night. He wanted to call her to tell her how much he loved her and how he felt like God was calling him home. Could you imagine getting a call like that from your father? The man that has raised you and loved you all your life? The man that has taught you so much and would do anything for you? I can't even fathom what my mom felt in those couple of minutes of the phone call.
So, my mom headed over to his house to check on him and just visit with him. My grandma was at work, luckily with my dad and sister Sarah. As she arrived to her house, she sat at the kitchen table and he sat on the couch after getting ready. As they were talking, my mom looked at my grandpa and he was slumped over, shaking, and his eyes were rolling back. Panicked, my mom tried calling me, Nic, dad, and 911. She later told me she could barely dial any of the numbers and all she could do was yell at my grandpa to not do this to her. By the time the ambulance came, he had come to but didn't remember a thing.
As this was happening, Nic had left the funeral to come home. We packed the kids up and headed to my grandparents to pick up my mom and go to St. Joe hospital. As we arrived, my sister, Tim, and my grandma were in the waiting room. One look at my grandma and I knew she was falling apart. She immediatly went to my mom and they wrapped their arms around each other. As I watched them, I knew that I needed to be strong for not only them, but for my sister as well. Not long after we got there, dad came out and had my mom and grandma go to where my grandpa was. While they were back there, grandpa's heart stopped...which they call "a very long pause". They determined that he had a heart attack earlier (which probably happened Friday). When my mom and dad returned to waiting room, dad told me I needed to go back and be with grandma and grandpa so mom could make some calls.
I didn't know what to say when I went to the small little room. What comforting words do you say in moments like these? I gave my grandpa a kiss on the forehead and just stood by grandma, rubbing her back. It was hard to look at grandpa and see all these tubes coming out of him and him just laying there. So I just prayed. I prayed that God would give the doctor's wisdom, that he would heal grandpa. I prayed that He would give me the words to say. While I was in the room, grandpa was acting like his old self. He is not a man of many words, but when he does talk, he brings a smile on my face and makes me laugh.
I know that people go through things like this all the time. I know people get old and it's just a part of life. I know people die every day. I know that he is still alive and that things are ok for the time being. I know that it could have been more serious. I also know that this could have ended in a very different way. But he is my grandpa, my mom's dad, my children's great-grandpa. If you know anything about me, you know that family means everything to me. I know that a lot of people aren't too close to their grandparents, but I am very close to my grandparents. If my mom wasn't with my grandpa today, he could possible not be with us.
Here is where we at now. They put a stint in his artery. 2 arteries are 100% closed and another that was 90%, which they opened up. They will put in a pacemaker tomorrow morning around 7:30 am.
So this I ask from you, please pray that God's will be done throughout this whole process. I know that my grandpa has asked Jesus to be his Savior and he will be going to heaven, but I hope that is not right now. I want and need more time with him. Please pray for wisdom on the doctor's part and that He will guide the doctor's hands in surgery. Please pray for strength for my grandma and mom.

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