The BEST part of staying out so late was Hayden didn’t wake up until 10:00 the next morning. Jesus was definitely looking out for me! After I got the kids ready, we met my parents, sisters, and Tim at the lake for some boat action. It was another beautiful day that we enjoyed being outside. Hayden is now realizing that when we go to the lake that means wave runners. So, of course, she runs to my dad takes her out for LONG rides. Thanks to the Parkers (friends of my parents) we were also able to get out and be on land when we wanted to. They live on the lake and welcome us every time we are up there, which is wonderful when you have 2 kids under the age of 2.
Later that evening, Tara and Steve were able to come to my parents and enjoy some pizza with us. It reminded me of when I was living at home and would invite my friends over! So, mom and dad, thank you for feeding us and letting us hang out!! Aren’t my parents so generous and wonderful?! After everyone left, Kristen and I had a sleepover just like the olden days and watched a movie until 1:00 am. Let me tell you, it was the STUPIDEST movie I have ever seen…besides Napoleon Dynamite…When in Rome. The funny thing is, both of the main characters in that movie were in this movie! Kristen and I couldn’t believe we watched the whole movie! I thought it was going to be some cute love story! Oh well!
Oh, but wait, the fun isn’t over yet! Well, at least for me! Today was Tara’s baby shower. We were hoping and praying it was going to be outside with beautiful weather. But, God had other plans. It poured like crazy right before the shower so everything was moved down in her parents’ basement. It still turned out BEAUTIFUL and everything went so smoothly and nice. There was lots of help and Kelsey gave a great shower! Tara and Steve were very blessed today in everything they got. So, Miss Spivey, you may come out now…we are all very anxious for your arrival and now your mommy and daddy have a car seat so they can officially bring you home!
After the shower, the kids and I met Nic at his dad’s house where we enjoyed some delicious chicken and got to visit with family. I finally got to meet Uncle Frank! It cracks me up that I have been with Nic for 10 years now and am just now meeting him. He is quite the character! Just from the little bit of time I got to be with him tonight I can tell that he is just a lot of fun to be around. The best part of the night was when Hayden’s grandpa Minder got out the Slip n’ Slide! Of course, Hayden had a ball! Nic, Jack, and Allison also joined in on the fun! Boy, was that a sight! It was a fantastic evening!

When we got home, I was talking on the phone to my sister and we were both watching the sunset. We were both reminded of God’s beauty. She was telling me that she knew God had placed her in an apartment with a balcony so she could have a place to rest and be refreshed (is that a word?). Isn’t God amazing? Kristen was telling me that she had a very hard, kind of discouraging week with school. Everyone kind of took a beating and were a little disheartened. Even though I can’t even come close to comprehending what she is going through with her schooling right now, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness. There is a song called “Hold On” and it is kind of like what Jesus is singing to us. Here are the words:
Hold on- 33 Miles
I've been there a thousand times,
I've felt the rain like a thousand knives.
And it hurts,
I know it hurts!
I've been there like a fighter plane,
Tryin' fly my way through a hurricane.
And it's hard,
I know it's hard!
Don't be afraid,
You'll make it through,
Just call out to me and I'll come running to you!
Hold on, hold on!
When the current pulls you under,
And your heart beats like thunder.
Just give me your hand,
And hold on, hold on!
Until the storm is over,
And I'll be fighting for you.
Just give me your hand and,
Hold on!
I'll give you hope, I'll give you faith!
And if it's dark, I'll light the way,
For you, for you!
By your side, until the end,
Until you're standing tall again!
I'm here, I'll always be here.
And if the tide sweeps you out to sea,
When your strength is gone, and it's hard to believe!
Hold on, hold on!
When the current pulls you under,
And your heart beats like thunder!
Just give me your hand,
And hold on, hold on!
Until the storm is over.
And I'll be fighting for you,
Just give me your hand!
1 comment:
that is quite the swimsuit that Hayden is wearing! :)
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