I wake up to Colton squirming around waiting for his morning feeding while listening to Hayden talking to herself down the hallway, nurse and talk with Colt before getting my little crazy girl out of her cage, change the babies diapers after chasing Hayden around the entire house 2 times, observed the black eye she acquired while pushing her baby stroller too fast and falling onto it, put Hayden in her chair to eat breakfast and turn on Veggie Tales in an attempt to distract her so I could get a quick shower in, jump in the shower, shave one leg and hear screaming, jump out of the shower, looked at the TV and found that you have to actually push the play button to start the movie, jump back in the shower and shave the other leg and shampoo the hair just in time to hear some more screaming, have to be done with shower time, looked to see why the reason for screaming and find Hayden dropped her toast and couldn’t reach it from her seat, get the toast, clean the mess, get dressed as fast as I can, put the shirt on, turn it around so it isn’t backwards, cuddle with Hayden on the couch and read her farm book while nursing Colt, put Colt in swing and attempt to fold laundry, put the laundry on the table, run to catch Hayden before jumping off the chair, forget the laundry, change diapers, play with Hayden, start to make lunch, get Hayden off the counter and away from the fish, defrost the chicken, get Hayden off the counter and away from the fish, get the veggies out and cut, get Hayden off the counter and away from the fish, get smart and MOVE the fish, forget the lunch, check on Colt (my quiet child), couldn’t figure out what was all over Hayden’s face and found the Desitin in her hands, get the Desitin out of Hayden’s mouth and clean her face, save Colton from his sister swinging him as high as she can, remembered lunch, cooked lunch, put Hayden in seat for lunch, nurse Colt while eating, look to see Hayden’s plate was cleared off, praised her for eating all her chicken and grapes, clean her off, step on grape, looked down to see that every piece of chicken and every grape I had put on her plate was actually on the floor and not in her stomach, make Hayden help clean up food, save Colt from the blanket Hayden put over his face and removed the crackers from his swing his sister tried to feed him, turn off the fire place that Hayden turned on, remember the laundry, fold laundry, clean ALL the CDs that Hayden got out from the entertainment center that were scattered across the floor (note to self-safety locks no longer work for Hayden), save Colton from his sister shoving his paci in his mouth, save Hayden from jumping off the gate after climbing it and standing on top of it (another note to self-gates=pointless), get Hayden off the counter, watch Hayden throw a temper tantrum due to me not letting her play with raw chicken, throw chicken away, Hayden still throwing tantrum, nurse Colton while snuggling with Hayden after she calmed down, looked at Hayden and realized I haven’t clothed her yet, have a whole conversation with my 1 ½ year old in which I didn’t understand one word of but she knew exactly what she was saying, watch Hayden run back and forth from the kitchen to the family room as fast as she can while laughing as loud as she could, watch Hayden fall, cry, get back up and start over, save Hayden from falling backwards in the chair in the kitchen, change diapers, watch Hayden climb into Colt’s swing and fall out of it, chase Hayden through the house just to hear my favorite giggle of hers, look at clock-12:16….NAP TIME! Put Hayden in bed, make a choice between cleaning my destroyed house or holding Colton and actually sitting down to breathe…I will do the second choice, start to finally doze off and hear, “mommy? Mommy?” Hayden is awake. Hayden lays on the couch for about 5 minutes, jumps off to runs around in circles, change diapers, nurse Colton while Hayden runs to the kitchen, opens the pantry door, and begs for food, get Hayden some crackers and cheese, she grabs chocolate, take chocolate and hide it, clean up crushed crackers from couch, watch Hayden as she undresses herself, even her diaper, put new diaper on, lay on the ground with my 2 babies, head to head to head with Hayden playing with my hair and talking to me in her own language as Colt lays there talking in his own language and smiling away (my favorite part of the day), sit on the floor as Hayden crawls and climbs all over me for 20 minutes, nurse, hold Hayden as she cries from running head first into the wall, hold Hayden as she cries from falling off her riding toy after she tries to stand on it as it moves, hold Hayden as she cries from jumping from that moving riding toy to the couch and misses the couch, sit on the couch to hold Bubby as Hayden climbs all over the both of us, change diapers, watch the storm from the window since the power is off and it is dark, watch Hayden’s face at every roll of thunder, listen to Hayden sing to her baby, watch Hayden throw her baby, play with Hayden while holding Colton, put Colton in the swing to clean a little only to come and find Hayden pulling him out of the swing, rescue Colton, clean the wet wipes off the floor that Hayden threw all over the floor, one wipe at a time, listen to Hayden scream because I won’t let her hold Colton in fear that she will throw him off the couch, hold Colton as he blows out his pants, think to myself, “maybe we need a break and just get out of the house for just a little while”, good idea, get kids changed and load them up in the car. Walk around Walmart to waste some time, walk up and down the mirror aisle as Hayden and I make faces at ourselves, play with the gigantic bouncy balls, look at a million other things, leave the store, get home and kids inside right before it downpours, get dinner ready, eat dinner, change diapers, chase Hayden around to wash her up, watch Hayden leap through the air from the steering wheel of that moving toy to the couch (she was successful), nurse, watch Hayden jump on the couch and land on the floor, rescue Bubby once again from the swing his sister is trying to swing as high as possible, read with Hayden, play with Colton, use the restroom for the first time today, look in the mirror only to find out I had never brushed my hair after my shower or put make up and I had gone to Walmart like this (great), rescue my camera from Hayden (I have no idea how she got to it), watch Hayden rub her eyes, get Hayden ready for bed, change diapers, listen to Hayden giggle like crazy as I tickle her, hold Bubby as he cries from his sister crawling on top of him, snuggle with Hayden and sing songs, pray with Hayden, search the house for her blankies, find the blankies, place Hayden and her blankies in the crib, pray with Hayden…again, close the door, walk to the couch, hold Colton, and thank God for getting me and the kids through the day in one piece. Oh…and breathe again.
Below is a picture of Hayden's little black eye...

Hmmm…and I only have 2 children, one of which can’t even move…this is completely normal isn’t it? Also, why in the world did we spend all that money for toys and make a playroom when she didn’t even step foot in it???
Although I felt like today was total chaos and I had no control, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. After all, I got to be with my babies.
Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the strength and energy for getting me through the day. Thank you for giving me patience when I just wanted to scream. Thank you for giving me my 2 babies and a loving husband. Maybe tomorrow could be a little less crazy? Just a question.
That's hilarious!!! Some days feel so unproductive... amazing how these little people have us working FULL TIME!! Our paycheck comes in the small things throughout the day :)
I love it.
FUNNY. i'm envisioning myself doing this same thing in 6 months, only with two babies. Oh Jesus, give me strength. :)
Sometimes they just get so stir crazy and need to get out of the house. Walmart was a great idea :)
Sounds like the kind of trouble Sam likes to get into! We've been known to walk through Target just to get out of the house, too.
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