Did you know that even when you go to bed REALLY late that your kids STILL wake up at the same time because they go to bed on time??? Yeah…not so fun! But the part leading up to going to bed really late was a total blast!! One of the guys that Nic works with, his wife, Nic and I got to go to the Zac Brown Band concert last night. Sarah (the wife) had a great idea to get tickets and give them to the guys for their father’s day present. Needless to say both the boys were excited! So, late afternoon we ventured out to Fort Wayne. I wasn’t sure what to expect since it was an outside concert. I had been to many concerts before but they were all inside and soooo loud and I could hardly see who was singing. Ohhhh but not the case with this concert! It was at Parkview Field (I think), which is a baseball stadium. You could sit wherever you wanted and were free to walk around. Let me tell you…it was AMAZING!! I absolutely loved the way it was so laid back and it was beautiful outside…but hot. We had many laughs as we looked around seeing everyone’s shirts and pants soaked with sweat! And yes, ours was too! Anyways…the concert was one of the best that I have been too and we had lots of fun! I loved and laughed a little as I listened to Nic sing along! He was lovin’ it!!!! We couldn’t have had such a great night if it weren’t for my mom. She was such a trooper and said she would watch BOTH of the kiddies. I know she has raised 4 children herself but I was still worried that my kids were going to be a handful. She was brave and even took them to a baby shower! Way to go mom! I can’t tell you how much I appreciated her willingness to watch Hayden and Colt until the wee hours of the morning! THANK YOU MOM!!!!

Then of course sleep was short for both Nic and I. He had to work at 6:00 am and for me…both the kids were up bright and early. But I didn’t mind when I saw both of their smiles! Since it was raining, we all stayed in our PJ’s and just had a very relaxing morning. We even watched a movie and snuggled on the couch…boy do I love my babies. Hayden is totally over her herpangina and is just a totally different little girl. She is back to being herself…making faces and running through the house laughing like crazy. All in all it was a great day to spend inside.
NOW…GUESS WHAT?!?! Remember in my last blog how I said babies were going to be born soon?? Well…Kara had a little BOY!!!! Ethan Sears. I am so ecstatic for them! Now Payton has a baby brother! He is 9 lbs and 2 oz and 21 in long. He is so precious and handsome. CONGRATULATIONS KARA AND KYLE!!

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