Thursday, July 22, 2010

Baby Girl Spivey

First off….HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEW BABY GIRL SPIVEY!!! Around 11:30, Baby Girl finally came into the world to meet her parents! It was no easy task though for Tara! She had her OB appointment around 1:30 yesterday afternoon. I waited at home in anticipation to see what would happen next (I am telling you, you would think that it was me having the baby!). Anyways, around 2:30, I got a call telling me they were headed to the hospital. The doctor had done a non-stress test and saw that Tara was having quite a few contractions and when she was on her side, the baby’s heart rate went down a little. So…the doctor wanted to send her to the hospital to start things!

So I waited and waited, my phone never leaving my hand. Around 8:30, there was still no progress, but I got a wonderful picture of her smiling in bed!

The next couple hours they checked her and she was still 3 cm. Around 1:10, I got another text that they were broke her water and called for the epidural! So now we are getting somewhere! They started pitocin (spelling?) around 5:40am and she was 4 cm. Around 8:00am she was at 7 cm. I then got a call from Kelsey around 10:50 saying that because of the slow progression, they were going to do a C-section. Luckily, my dad was able to come be with them in the room. So, I headed off to the hospital. Thanks to Sarah and my mom, I didn’t have to take my babies.

As I waited with their families in the waiting room, I just kept praying that everything would go smoothly and that God would bring this baby into the world healthy and perfect. I prayed that He would calm Tara’s nerves and keep her strong…I knew this was one of her fears from the beginning of the pregnancy.

Finally my dad came out to the waiting room and said everything was fine and baby and mom were doing great!!!!!

People, I am telling you, this baby is gorgeous. I know this isn’t my news to tell, but it is my blog! Hehe! Baby Girl (I am caller her this because we don’t know her name quite yet!) was 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long. She has some long feet and fingers and is just perfect. Her hair has a reddish tent and her eyes are very blue (at least they were when I saw them!)

This little girl is already sooo loved by all her family and friends. Tara and Steve are like my sister and brother and I love them so much and am so happy for their little family. I can’t wait to hold that little girl again!!

Isn’t God good?!

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