We started off by going to a little store where Hayden and Sarah (even though she is 18..ha!) stuffed their own animals. Hayden got to stuff a very soft bear and Sarah stuffed an elephant. It was like Build-a-Bear, but was called something else, which escapes my memory at the moment…actually I don’t think I ever looked at the name of the store! Everywhere we walked there would be dog statues all decorated funky...Hayden had to stop at each one and pet it!

We then walked to a little children’s boutique…once again I didn’t look at the name of the store. They had the most adorable little outfits there for girls. I absolutely love having my own little girl to dress up. We also came across a little blue square blanky just like Hayden’s brown one. She doesn’t go anywhere without her brown blanky or pink blanky from Aunt Jac. I love that she is attached to these blankets as silly as that may seem. I still have my blanket from when I was a kid and felt so secure with it. Laugh all you want…but I know over half of the people reading this had a security blanket of some kind..haha!
Enough with the shopping. There was a new inside carousel built since last time I was there and a place where water shoots from the ground (I don’t know the actual name…surprise!). I think Hayden would still be on that carousel if we would let her. She rode it 4 or 5 times in a row. Thank goodness my dad was there with her. I rode that thing one time with her and I thought Sarah and I were just going to hurl from going round and round and round. I think that is a sign I am getting old. It was so good to see Hayden just so content and happy. My mom explained that each horse on the carousel was donated by some family or company and each one had a story to it as to why it was decorated the way it was. Hayden rode on Freedom. We then ventured over to that water thing I mentioned earlier. Once again, Hayden was in heaven. After that we went to the beach and played on the playground and visited the water. My favorite part was when Hayden would walk to the edge of the water and when the wave came she would run away from it. Oh and of course we can’t forget the ice cream from grandma…I am telling you…these children are absolutely spoiled!! But I have to tell you, it brings joy to my heart and a smile to my face when I watch my mom and dad with their grandchildren. Pretty much priceless. (Now, in the following pics you will notice Hayden is just in a diaper...I promise we do have bathing suits for her, but we didn't know we would be getting wet!)

So mom and dad, if you are reading this, thank you for such a wonderful day and all your love.
We finally decided maybe we should head home from our wonderful outing. But my day wasn’t quite over yet. I got to spend the rest of the evening with a great group of girls…my best friends. We made (and by we I mean not me) LOTS of yummy dipped pretzels for Tara’s baby shower. I should know by now I shouldn’t plan on things like this and honestly think I will get anything done with a 19 month old who is ALL over the place and a 9 week old who loves to cuddle. But I enjoyed just being with these girls.
Now…I have a little problem I need to discuss with my blog friends…how in the world do you teach an almost 2 year old the difference in throwing a ball and throwing something hard or food (anything you aren’t supposed to throw)???? Hayden has started throwing…and I mean THROWING…everything she touches. She doesn’t do it out of anger or anything…she just throws. And man, does she have an arm! She threw fries across the table at lunch, threw her paci to the front seat while I am driving (several times), threw a peace of a train at poor Emma, and even threw a little football into the nicely decorated dipped pretzels that were still drying. What do I do? Any advice? Anything would be much appreciated. Oh, and it doesn’t help when she smiles that heart melting smile after throwing everything.
Commenting on the throwing part. :o) It will pass. Just give it time. We always told (and still tell sometimes) Sam that you don't throw whatever she was throwing. Only throw balls and we tell her a specific spot (such as outside or in room) where she can throw the balls. Emphasize that every single time she throws something. If it hits something or she's throwing something that is an absolute no no, just give her a little swat or 2 on the hand and tell her why you did that. Just keep telling her over and over and eventually she'll get through that stage and it'll all be in the past. :o)
Sounds like fun, Tori! Glad you were able to get out!! It keeps us sane ;) About the throwing- Sienna has just picked up on throwing and I fear she is going to start throwing EVERYTHING!!! I just keep saying "Only throw a ball" Let me know if you find a trick that works ;)
You have such a great family!! When Bella throws something i always say 'we dont throw...whatever it is" then i say 'you need to go get it,' and make her go pick up whatever it was! Thats what we always did when i worked in preschools too so i figure it must be right! Good luck!
I hope you figure out these questions so I can ask you when the time is right! :)
Can't wait to see you all again. Hayden looks great! I am so glad she is doing well and enjoying her time with your wonderful parents and her beautiful mother!
the 3 year old i used to babysit threw stuff to0, if it was food i'd take it away and wouldn't give it back until he said he was sorry, and if he threw it more than twice he didn't get any of it. when he threw other stuff i made him go pick it up & put it away & then he wasn't allowed to play with it anymore. it worked pretty well for him after a couple of weeks he didn't throw stuff, at least when he was with me.
ps...colton is so freaking big! i love his little smile. and i love hayden's too even with her stitches.
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