Well, the last couple of days have been a little crazy. On Tuesday we got to bring a new family member into our house, Sam Minder, a 9 month German Sheppard. Don’t let the age fool you. He is the biggest 9 month puppy I have ever seen. He has already captured our hearts and is Hayden’s best bud...well at least she think so! She follows him everywhere and basically attacks him thinking it is the funniest thing in the world…ha! He seems to be settling down quite well and is learning his role in the family. Wednesday was my first day with just me and him (without Nic). I have to admit…I was a little nervous because of his size and having my 2 babies as well. But he did ok. We all did. He does great at night and was potty trained when we got him, so that is always a plus. On the negative side, we have to make sure the food is pushed out of the way on the table and counter…his head is taller than the table so….byebye hotdogs!!

Yesterday, my mom was generous enough to take on my little angel for the day as I tackled my dirty house. She was spoiled by grandma, as usual. They have such a special relationship already. They went out to lunch, went shopping (notice the BRIGHT shoes!) and just had a special day. Hayden adores her Mamaw and Pappi. She also enjoyed the one-on-one time she received. Colton stayed with me and was such a good boy! For those of you have ever seen my house you know that it isn’t that big…but somehow it still took me 7 hours to clean completely…crazy huh? Let’s just say my back is quite sore. But don’t worry, this morning there was already grass clippings and cotton stuff from the trees trampled through the house. Oh well…just let it go Tori.

My friend, Sarah Scheuer (mentioned in a recent post), had her beautiful baby boy yesterday. I got to visit her and the little man today and I am talking gorgeous baby here! Watch out little ladies…Mr. Heartbreaker himself just entered the world! Matt and Sarah will be such great parents! They are already! I love watching a new momma look down at her baby with such indescribable love. It reminds me how God looks down at us. Now if Tara, Kara, and Jamie would just get their babies out…it is so exciting seeing all of these babies coming into the world. Come on ladies…do those squats!

On another note, my mom got Hayden a cool Water Table….it is awesome! And yes, I love it too! She has had such a blast with it outside…but somehow she gets SOAKING wet! I absolutely love to watch her play and giggle in her high pitch voice…she is so precious. I couldn’t thank God enough for giving me a baby girl like her. She makes my heart overflow with love and joy. She is still dragging her doll around the house and acting as mommy. She will make a good one someday! She is learning more and ore words as the days go by. Today she told Sam boy to sit! It was so cute!

Colton is now 8 weeks old. Seriously?! He is smiling so much more now and I swear he laughs! He is just so precious I can’t get enough of him. He is awake a lot more now-a-days. He talks often, and cries very little.

Alrighty…I am going to go save Sam from my daughter…poor dog doesn’t stand a chance!
1 comment:
i am doing as many squats as my legs will allow, and all the cat cow posing i can stand! i did have my first contraction on Sunday!! it was just the one but i got all excited cuz it finally became real that she really can come out anytime! (though she does need to flip little self over i don't want a breech baby!)
sam is super cute! Hayd is going to love Dozer; actually she prbly won't know what to think of Dozer, but D will love her & Colton (& Rori of course, like he has a chance there)
i love that last pic of Colton, he looks like a little man. i hate to see them grow up but i love watching the change, weird i know!
love you!
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