I didn’t know it was possible to be this emotionally and physically burnt out as I feel at this moment. When I thought about this coming week on Sunday, I pictured playing outside, maybe going to the lake, enjoying time with my little family. Boy was I WRONG. Monday morning I woke up to a child that had thrown up in her bed. So I got her washed up and was about to get my other little crying baby to feed him when I didn’t feel so right. Let’s just say I have NEVER been as sick as I was yesterday. I got dominated by a little thing called the flu. I am not so fond of that bug. I felt so helpless. I couldn't even get to the swing to get Colton out and hold him when he was crying. I could barely walk from the bathroom to my bed without Nic's help. Then there was Nic…bless his heart. He took care of both of the kids all day, cleaned the house and took care of me, which is no easy task. He had his hands full that’s for sure. Then night came and Hayden didn’t feel like going to sleep until like 10:30 and Colton was screaming until 2 in the morning since I couldn’t produce enough milk for the poor little guy. Ya know, I thought I was going to get a lot of rest since I was sick…not so much.
So after a restless night the kids woke up early and whether Nic and I liked it or not our day had to get started. I was still light headed due to the fact of not eating in the last 30 hours so I was trying to take it a little slow when I heard Nic yell from the kitchen, “Tori, we need to go to the hospital NOW!” Not something you really want to hear. When I got up to see what was going on my baby girl’s face was covered in blood and so was the towel Nic was using to try to stop the bleeding. Hayden took it like a champ though and only cried for about a minute. So we packed everything up that we could as we rushed out of the house. My poor little baby just laid on my lap at the emergency room and then fell asleep on the bed in the little room. Needless to say I had a shirt covered in blood and almost passed out from everything going on around me. I have a weak stomach and don't do well with blood. Every time I looked at the cut it broke my heart because I knew what had to come next…the stitches. I have never experienced a broken bone or stitches so I had no idea what to expect. I was just trying to hold down everything and be strong…but Nic said I handled it poorly…ha. When they finally came to stitch her up I couldn’t handle it so I went to a little room to wait with Colton and Nic stayed with Hayden. That didn’t help because I could hear her screaming from there. I just sat there and bawled my eyes out as I prayed. They had to restrain her and cover her eyes. I finally decided to go back and try to be strong…but they had just finished. The look in Hayden’s eyes broke my heart even more. But once we got home Hayden was running around again like her old self. She fears nothing…which is why she was in this situation! She even took it upon herself to jump on the couch and bounce right off. She got up and went to do it again. Nic says it was only a matter of time. I know this probably won't be the last time something happens like this but I pray with all my heart that it doesn't happen again anytime soon. The rest of night went smoothly, which was what we needed.
Don't worry...my 19 month old was comforting me
And this is the wonderful gash
On the bright side, gammy got her a little kitchen that occupied her for quite some time:
So there you have it…I truly think it was a God-thing that these two days were Nic’s days off…If all this were to happen, I am thankful Nic was able to be here is for his family. He was and is truly amazing! In the midst of all this action, Colton turned 2 months old yesterday. My baby boy is already 2 months old...where has the time gone? Every so often I write letters to my babies to put in their scrap books. This is what I wrote for Colton as he turned 2 months old:
My sweet baby boy,
You have now been in our lives for 2 months. You are starting to form your own little personality already. You stare at us and focus on us. You smile when we smile at you. You also talk a lot! I absolutely love listening to your little squeals and noises. Sometimes I like to think you are saying “hi.” You are a very content baby and just so happy. You are starting to sleep a little longer at night and you eat like a champ! You have the most beautiful eyes that are starting to turn a little more brown as the days go by and your hair is starting to grow back...it looks like it is brown. You love to be held super close and love to swing. You also love to watch Praise Baby. On the other hand, you still don’t like bath time or diaper changes. Every night I pray for you and your sister. I pray that God will keep you safe in his arms and that you will continue to grow to be a healthy and man of God. I pray that you will hold tight to Him and follow Him. I thank Him every day for blessing me with you and your sister. You are both my biggest joy in life. I love you both more than you will ever know. I will always love you and be here for you.
Your Mom
Oh, Tori!!! My Mom always reminds me (especially when David was little) that "this, too, shall pass"!! Your blogs ALWAYS touch my heart!! I assure you that some day you will look back on this day and laugh... was it harder on Mommy or Hayden - probably Mommy!!!!
Kathy Drew
I literally laughed my head off when I saw the picture of you laying with Hayden in the hospital. Then, I cried when I read the letter to Colt. What an awesome Momma you are!!!
Can't wait to see you and the fam next weekend!!!
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