Thursday, September 1, 2011

Start of a new month and a new opportunity!

Have you ever walked into a place you haven't been for years and years and it was like you never even left the place? That's what happened to me today.
When my parents moved to Indiana when I was a wee little one, they started attending Clay United Methodist Church. About 90% of my childhood memories come from that place. It is where I spent 10 years of my life. I remember vividly sitting in our living room at our house and my parents telling me that we were going to be attending a different church. I remember crying...and crying...and crying. I was going to be leaving my best friends and the place that I considered my second home. (Remember, I can be quite the drama queen.)
Anyways, today was the first day for MOPS....and we were to meet at Clay. I had mixed, emotions about walking into this place that I haven't stepped in for years. I was super excited to be attending my first ever MOPS session, but I was also super nervous. I didn't know anyone. As soon as my foot entered the door, I was flooded with all the memories this place held. I looked around and everything was as I remembered it to be. As I walked through the church to take my children to their classes, I walked by the room where I had Mrs. Helman as one of my teachers. I passed the hallway where Chris, Emily, Kaley, Lauren, Kiersten, Meryl, Maggie, Ashley and I would run as fast as we could to hide from our parents. I passed the closet where some of us hid for hide-and-seek. I passed the bathroom I almost passed out in. I passed the nursery where I remember holding babies. I passed the area where we waited to go on stage for a play. As I went downstairs to where our tables were placed, I looked around some more. I was sitting where Mr. Fecher and Mr. Freehauf taught us different lessons about life and the Bible. It was also the exact place where we would come for dinner on Wednesday nights from time to time. To my right was the big gym where I remember having youth group and singing at the top of my lungs with my friends. It was also the place where we would play games and run around during our "Lock-Ins".
I know you don't really care to listen to my "remember whens," but I don't really care that you don't care:)
That place will always have a place in my heart.
Ok, back to present day! Like I said, MOPS started today!! I am VERY excited about this opportunity to meet other moms and build relationships with them. I have talked to Tara about wanting to attend something like this, and she told me about one at Clay. I haven't been a part of something like this before. I have wanted to do this for a couple years now, but I was working and then I was babysitting. But now, I finally have the chance to do something to get out of the house and be with other moms that are facing the same challenges, joys, etc. I am also excited for the opportunity to have Hayden and Colton interacting with different kids their age. They loved it, and we had no meltdowns! I would say it was a success!

1 comment:

Lindsay Hunniford said...

I remember Clay, too :-)

I want to hear more about MOPS. I'm not in one yet, because we have so many other things going on. What does yours do/what is it like?