Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nine Loves...and a Plea

Hello friends! The best part of the 10 day challenge is I get to write for 10 days straight!! Isn't that just wonderful?! I think so. Ok, so here goes day 2...
Nine Loves...this should be easy:)
1. I love fall days...where the weather is crisp, but sunny and cool enough to wear a sweatshirt and jeans. I love everything about fall-the changing colors of the leaves, the autumn decorations around the house and outside of the house, picking and carving pumpkins, and last but not least, fall candles:)

2. I love my family. This one is an easy one. They mean more to me than anything. I love raising my 2 babies, being married to my best friend, having my siblings as my best friends, and having the support and love of my parents.

3. I love a clean house. This is rare having kids, but I love it none-the-less. It makes it even more special. I love walking into a room and having everything off the floor (including toys, food crumbs, clothes, diapers, etc...). I love having my counters and table totally cleared off and wiped down. I love having beds made. I love running my hand over any piece of furniture and not have a bunch of dust (this one happens RARELY!).

4. I love my friends. I didn't have many close friends in high school and only have a few CLOSE friends from college. But the friends I do have are special to me. They are my strength many days. I love to just be with them, whether it is out and about or just sitting in one of our houses talking. I love to laugh with them until our stomachs hurt and crying with them through our trials. 

5. I love being home with my kiddos. I know to not take this one for granted...I know this won't last for too much longer because of finances, but I am taking every day as a gift from God. I love waking up with them and cuddling with them first thing. I love being able to run errands throughout the day and being able to have morning appointments. 

6. I love snuggling up on the couch with a good book when it rains outside. Ok, I love a good book no matter what! They have to be romance novels though:) I get totally lost in my books and even talk about the book as if I am one of the characters! Even ask my hubby. 

7. I love blogging. I love the way writing is like an instant stress relief for me. It is a way I can communicate because I am a horrible verbal communicator. Blogging is my "me" time. I forget everything going on around me and just write. 

8. I love McDonald's diet coke. It is $1.07 for a large. I know, I know, diet coke is so bad for me, but I can't help it...I blame my mom.

9. I love Hilton Head, SC. It is like a second home to me. I love the smell of it, the atmosphere, the memories. I grew up going here almost every summer. I miss it. 

There ya go! My second day challenge! I could probably go on and on and on about things I love, but I will stop here. 

Ok, but I am not done blogging. I am in a real pickle and I need the help of ANY momma out there. Hayden is STILL not sleeping in her room. Today on the way to the doctor, we were talking about how we were going to the doctor so he could look at Bubby's leg. And then out of nowhere, she was telling me how their our birds outside her room that make sounds. I told her the birds couldn't get inside and that she is safe. I explained how Jesus will keep her safe. She then went on to tell me that Jesus makes sounds and it scares her. Now, I don't think she understands who "Jesus" is, even though we talk about him all the time. I am confused. Tonight I even put her in the play yard thing in our room and she screamed BLOODY MURDER for 1 hour and 20 minutes. I mean throwing herself around, kicking, and the loudest, most terrifying scream ever. I could not get her to calm down. She kept screaming, "I'm afraid" and "they're coming". I finally went in the room to lay down with her and she would not settle down. I just don't want this to be one of those things that she knows she can get away with by saying she is afraid. But seriously...and hour and 20 min?? She still will not step foot in her room unless I am watching her...she won't even go get underwear in the drawer right inside her room. I have been praying and praying about this situation and I just don't know what to do. I was in tears myself tonight because I just don't know how to fix this. So please, I am begging you, if you know of anyone or you yourself could help, please do. My heart is breaking for her and I just don't want her to be afraid. I know that she was having night terrors a while back so I don't know if she is just still afraid of those or what. 

Alright, I need to get to sleep...Nic is snoring right beside me:)


Kelsey said...

Ok, I've never had to deal with night terrors or fear as much as you are describing....but something that always gets our kids to calm down is singing, "God is Bigger than the Boogie Man" and praying OVER them when they are scared. They have watched that veggie tales movie more times than anything else! Maybe that would help?? Brenna went through a phase where she would say she was hungry everytime we mentioned her bed and we had to start ignoring her and just put her to bed. I feel like this is a little different!! Praying for you and Hayden!!

Ashley Claeys said...

From everything youve said about this issue with Hayden, it sounds like she has night terrors which has lead her not even wanting to sleep anywhere and doing anything in her power to postpone sleep. I havent had to deal with anything this bad, but Wyatt does occasionally wake up with bad dreams...and he will try to fight off bedtime with crying and throwing fits but nothing like Hayden. I dont really now what can help other than what youve already tired, ill pray for you and Hayden and hopefully she will have some peace soon!