Saturday, September 3, 2011

ABC Friday

Why is it that 95% of the blogs that I read on a daily basis look like they have professional pics in every stinkin' post?? I know I am still kind of a newbie with the blog world. But seriously?! I have spent/wasted/whatever you wanna call it about 3 hours reading blogs, being inspired. But it is starting to irk me that I might be the only one out there that isn't a professional photographer to take AMAZINGLY PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL pics of my kiddos and our every day happenings. Oh well, get over it, Tori. Your whole ranting/jealousy isn't going to change that fact. So, you will have to just deal with my average picture taking skills:)
Ok, I am done. Anyways, during those 3 hours of blog stalking reading, I came a across a blog that described the blogger with the ABC's. I thought it was cool. So, I am going to do the same thing. Because that's what I do. I copy cool ideas.

A. age :: 26

B. bed size :: king

C. chore you hate :: putting laundry away

D. dogs :: Iris the English Mastiff

E. essential start to your day :: going pee

F. favorite color :: blue-all shades

G. gold or silver :: gold-it's classic

H. height :: five foot one

I. instruments you play :: none 

J. job title :: momma, wife

K. kids :: Hayden and Colton

L. live :: Good ole' Elkhart

M. maiden name :: Ferguson

N. nicknames :: torrance, gma calls me Toadie

O. overnight hospital stays ::twice with babies

P. pet peeve :: slow drivers, mean people

Q. quote :: "A friend is someone who knows us, but loves us anyways." Fr. Jerome Cummings

R. righty or lefty :: right

S. siblings :: Older Bro-Adam; Younger Sisters-Kris and Sarah

T. time you wake up :: 8

U. university attended :: I didn't, I went to Bethel College

V. vegetables you dislike: Asparagus

W. what makes you run late :: my kiddos

X. x-rays you’ve had :: I think only at the dentist?

Y. yummy food :: Hacienda and Bruno's pizza

Z. zoo animal favorite :: zebra (it even ends in z:))

Because of my complaining earlier, I will now prove the fact that "professional" pictures do not exist (taken by me) in our household. Which brings me to a totally different point. In the past couple of weeks Nic and I have decided to leave our "smart" phones behind and go back to not-so-smart phones to save some money. I am really having a hard time without my Droid 2:( Not really, but I do find myself grabbing my new, free phone searching for the e-mail icon and the facebook icon. Hey, maybe this is for the better? Maybe I won't waste so much time stalking everyone else?!  The quality of this picture proves my point:) But, none-the-less, the subjects of the picture are still beautiful!

Hope you have a FANTASTIC Friday and weekend! Make it a great one! Here is another little quote that I have seen that makes me smile:
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort" Herm Albright

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