Friday, September 23, 2011

Little Bit of Everything

It is Friday night...which means...I AM STILL ALIVE AND WE MADE IT ANOTHER WEEK!! 

I can't tell you the mix of emotions that ran through me in just one week...everything from sheer excitement of meeting the new students to completely melting down from exhaustion, and everything in between. But, I blame it on my "monthly monster":) 

I want to thank you for those of you that have prayed for me this absolutely have no idea what it meant to me when I received different emails and messages saying you would pray. God is good. We are figuring everything out with schedules and trying to balance everything...and I just have to tell you that my husband is THE best in the WHOLE world. He has been wonderful through this whole change and has completely stepped in with all the house chores and even let me take a "me" time yesterday when I thought I was just going to lose it after coming home from work and having 2 screaming children at the same time. 

This post is going to be ALL over the place, but that is me right take it or leave it.
Rundown of the week: (if you care):

I tried my first Zumba class this week with Tara. Can I just say I NEVER knew someone's hips could move like that? I seriously wonder if they hide cameras in the room and watch as people like me make a total FOOL of themselves. BUT it was soooo fun, despite my inability to move like that stinkin' instructor. Seriously....couldn't believe it. Please don't think I am weird. If you haven't tried Zumba it. It will make me feel better knowing there are others out there like me that put themselves out there to look like an idiot:)

Last night, Tara hosted a "Matilda Jane" party. If you haven't heard or seen this little girl clothing line, DO IT! So different but SO adorable and unique. 

Tonight, it was date night. Well...for Colt, Hayd, and I. Nic had to work the Jimtown/Concord game. I decided to take the kids to see him for a little bit at the game since he hadn't seen them all day. After that, the three of us went to McDonald's for some "creamy" (ice cream). The kids thought it was the best thing EVER. Ha...the things that make them happy. We then came home, played, and cuddled while watching Ramona and Beezus...for the 104th time this week. 
This last week I am seen such a difference in Hayden. I was watching her tonight and just realized how MUCH she is growing up and how much she is changing. I was listening to her sing to her music in the car and couldn't help but tear up as I looked in the rear view mirror and realized she will be THREE next month. How did that happen so fast? I won't say a whole lot because I will be writing her birthday letter soon, but I just wanted to share a few things:
-She loves playing with her doll...taking care of her, feeding her, changing her. It is the sweetest thing watching her rock her baby so carefully and pat the baby's bottom saying, "shhh shh shh."
-She has become quite the daddy's girl. She goes absolutely crazy when he walks through the door and totally lights up. She loves him...and I love that.
-We have been reading her a little devotional for kids that my mom had gotten her. We read it every night before going to bed and praying. The other night I totally forgot and right before I tucked her in, she said, "read to me, momma. Read from Jesus." It was quite precious.
-Last night when we were in the car coming home, I totally broke down. I was trying to hide it and turned the music up. I thought I did well until Nic came home and Hayden totally ratted me up by saying, "mommy was cryin' in the car, dad." Thanks, Hayden.
-She has become obsessed with "Hannah's House" and loves going to her house to see "Teve." And then talks about it on the way home.
-She LOVES telling me about her day when I get home. It is amazing what she can remember. 
-I made the mistake of telling Hayden about her party, and now she asks when her party is going to be every day. And asks for her cake.

Colton has also been changing before my eyes. He is quite the character. Just like I can't believe Hayd will be 3, he will be 1 1/2. Wow. My baby boy. And by boy, I mean ALL boy! Here are some things on him:
-He usually has a ball of some sort in his hand at ALL times. He loves throwing those balls as well, and he CAN THROW! If he is not playing with balls, he is either trying to jump off couches or anything he can, or torturing his sister. Little pistol. 
-He is such a happy boy and flirts like crazy! He thinks he is soooo funny:) 
-One of my favorite things that he does right now is when he is tired, he will get his sippy cup AND blanket, and lay right down on the floor, wherever he is. I am also loving how he cuddles right when he wakes up. I will never get tired of that. 
-He is also talking A TON! His favorite words for this week are "I tuck (stuck)", "milk", and "pease (please)".

I wish I had some pictures to post on here, but that has been the last thing on my mind:) I will have some my next post!

Have a fabulous weekend y'all! 

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