Friday, September 9, 2011

Seven Wants

I am going to make this short and is 11:12pm and I am a little whooped. I would have written earlier, but you see, my hottie of a husband had his first Friday night with me and the kids for like a million weeks (ok, so maybe that is a little dramatic, but still). 
Seven Wants: I am having a really hard time with this one because I have every thing I have ever wanted and needed with me and I am content. I hate sounding greedy, or sounding like I am always wanting more. But, I will do the challenge anyway:)

1. I want an ipad or an iphone. Just recently we have gone away from smart phones to basic phones to save some money...let's just say I really needed my smart phone the other day when I was lost in South Bend:)
2. I want to be able to help my children go to college.
3. I want to go to Disney Land. I want my children to be able to experience the whole atmosphere...and for Hayden to see Mickey Mouse.
4. I want for Nic's student loans to disappear. I hate them with all that is within me.
5. I want to adopt a child from the Dominican Republic. Every since I went there on a missions trip and visited the orphans, I have always wanted to just take one home with me. 
6. I want a new wardrobe. Ever since Hayden was born, I haven't really bought much for myself. I still wear clothes from early college....I'm stylin'. But I would love to have a make over and to have stylish clothes.
7. Last but not least, I want to make a difference in the world, somehow. I am not sure how, but I do. 

There ya go, my friends. Now I need to catch some shut eye...gotta be up and at 'em early for Nic's softball tourney. 

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