Thursday, September 30, 2010

This Little Piggy

Well, here we are…the last day of September. Tomorrow starts the month of pumpkins, candy corn and peanuts, the smell of Pumpkin Spice, boots, sweaters, and everything else that has to do with the season of fall. Yippee!

This week hasn’t been too interesting or blog worthy. But, I will go ahead and tell of this week just because I can. I had no extra kids on Monday and Tuesday. Nic had Monday off…so after the bank we headed to Mishawaka and met mom for lunch. Nic and I then took the kids to the mall just to walk around. You know that last part…”just to walk around”? Yeah…so we forgot that the day you have kids you can’t go to the mall “just to walk around.” By the end of our mall experience we both had a kid in our arms, even though we have a nice double stroller, one hungry and the other wanting to just lay on the dirty, nasty floor, face down, scream, and kick her legs. Can you guess which one that was? It is so wonderful to talk through the malls with every eye glued on you wondering why your child won’t stop crying. Awesome. Not that I already look like a teenage mom but now I look like I can’t control my own child. Oh well, life happens. But I did want to look at each person and ask, “so your child has never had a all out fit before in public?” But I refrained and was a good girl. So we piled the kids in the car, screaming and all and headed back to mom and dad’s. I dropped Hayden and Nic off while Colt and I went to meet some good friends to talk about Shaklee. It was a great night to catch up since I haven’t seen them in awhile.

Tuesday, Nic worked from 7am to 11pm. Seriously….how does he do it? Not sure. While he was working, I met with Tara and one of her friends, which was awesome. I love meeting new people and learning about them! That night Starla and Brooke came over to play with Hayden while I went to my meeting. To tell the truth, I have been dragging like crazy with this whole no sleep thing and I almost wanted to just stay home and maybe go to bed….but I didn’t. Man, am I glad I went. It is always SO refreshing to be around people with the same excitement you have and it was just so encouraged. My favorite part of the night was when Kyle talked about all the possibilities with this business. I have heard it over and over and have explained it over and over to people and still I get all excited inside and just want to burst!

Wednesday, I had little Kinsley, so we just stayed at the house and played inside all day long. Hayden and her are becoming quite the friends. Nic had the day off because of working the whole day before, which was awesome having him home. He made breakfast for all of us, cleaned out his closet and went through a stack of papers, and played with the girls. What a good dad he is. I love watching him rolling on the floor and playing with his kids. I love how he laughs with them and how he has that adoring look in his eyes. My favorite part was when he was playing with Kinsley’s toes and said, “this little piggy went to the market, this little piggy got slaughtered, this little piggy had bacon, I actually don’t know this game.” Really? Fantastic. Kinsley is going to be scarred for life! The rest of the day went on and Nic went back to work at 6pm until 10pm. Hayden, Colt, and I had a great night of snuggling all together and just hanging out at the house. I was seriously rolling on the floor laughing half of the night from Hayden. She is in the phase right now where she loves to hold my face, put her forehead on mine, and growl. She is just down right funny.

So here we are now, Ronan just got picked up, the girls just ate and now are in bed, and Colton is sleeping. What I am asking myself right now is…do I sleep while everyone is sleeping or clean the toy-covered house? Hmmm…I think I will sleep!

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