Dear Sweet Colton,
Today you are 5 months old. Wow. You have learned so much this month it’s unbelievable! You have found your feet, and you LOVE playing with your hanging toys with your feet. You also like to hold on to your feet while kicking them, which cracks me up. You still kick your legs like crazy and sometimes look like you are running a marathon if we hold you up in the air. You are holding onto your toys so well and are learning how to control your hand motions. You concentrate very hard and take your toys very seriously. Another thing you have learned is how to roll over. You can roll from your back to your stomach. You even get your shoulder out of the way! What a big boy you are. You still LOVE to snuggle with mommy…which I absolutely can’t get enough of. You are such a mommy’s boy! You smile ALL the time, which melts my heart. All I have to do is look at you and you grin from ear to ear. People always tell me that you are going to be one heck of a heart-breaker. They tell me how beautiful you are and how gorgeous your eyes are…and I agree!
You love your big sister. She makes you laugh …hard…even when I think she is going to flip you out of your bassinet or swing. You love talking to her and it is almost as you 2 know what each other is saying. Your eyes watch her everywhere she goes.
Wherever we go it doesn’t fail for people to stop by and say how absolutely precious you are. Some people even tickle your cheeks just to make you giggle. It never fails…you are quite the people pleaser.
You are finally taking a bottle…sometimes. You will only take one certain bottle. You would rather just nurse, so I can’t be the one to give you the bottle. You still don’t take any formula, which is fine by me.
You also have tried cereal for the first time this month and LOVED it! I was SHOCKED. I didn’t think you would. I thought you would just spit it out and make your “don’t-like-it” face (which is another face that cracks me up). But you didn’t and you liked it. I thought maybe if I gave you some before bedtime it might make you fuller and you would sleep a little better…I was wrong.
You still are not sleeping at night much, but I am learning to function on a broken up 4 hours of sleep. But I know this time will pass so I am not letting it get me down. When we finally wake up in the morning, I just look at you and you light up, which makes me forget about the restless night before and just fall in love with you all over again. When you do sleep, you like to have something over your face, which scares me to death. I let you fall asleep with your little dog/blanket and then slowly take it away from you. You also hate to sleep on your back, so I am learning how to position you at night.
I love you more than you will ever know. My heart swells with pride and love for you. God has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined. I love you, sweet boy. Don’t ever forget that….ever.
Love you,
1 comment:
Happy 5 months future son in law!
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