Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ft. Wayne, Here We Come

This week has been a crazy week of exciting events…well exciting to me! I started babysitting little Kinsley Tuesday, so now Hayden has a little playmate with her all day long. It has been fun watching the girls get used to each other, trying to figure out what the heck is going on! But they are getting the hang of things…and so am I. We are starting to figure out a routine each day. The girls have the same naptime so that right there is just amazing! The house has been turned completely upside down during the day, but hey, that’s ok…right? And just so you all know, just because you have a playroom doesn’t mean the toys stay in that room. In fact, it is a goal of Hayden’s to see how many toys she can bring into the living room. But I don’t mind. At least she is playing with actual toys now!

Now, remember how Colt starting rolling over this week? Well, not only has he been rolling over, he found his feet yesterday! It is so funny to watch him grab is feet and roll side to side. He is a little monkey! He also now plays with his hanging toys with his feet! Amazing what I get excited about! It just means he just keeps growing…no slowing him down. We are still struggling with the sleeping at night subject, which is very touchy for me right now. I feel like a walking zombie, not sure which way is up or down, right or left. But the thing is, once I see his sweet smile and those batting eyes, I forget about all the restless nights. In all reality, I would rather snuggle with him and just memorize everything about him.

The last 2 nights have been filled with learning more about our little business that we entered into and sharing it with others. I think the reason why I am loving it so much is not only will I be helping with income, but it is something that I get to do with my friends! Oh, and guess what?! I get actual business cards. Can you believe it? Me, Tori Minder, with business cards…HA! I am so excited to start handing them out! So if you know me or see me, watch out!

Anyways, I am soooo excited because tomorrow I get to see 2 of my bestest friends…MY SISTERS! That’s right, the 2 people in my life that left me for so called higher learning. I can’t wait to just hang out with them and hear about what’s going on in life WOOHOO! I can hardly stand it! So, as soon as we get up in the morning, my mom, me, and the kids will be heading for lovely Ft. Wayne!

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