Boy did this weekend go by in a blink of an eye. Don’t you hate it how you get so incredibly excited for something that you can barely stand it and you count down the seconds until that day and then all of a sudden it is Sunday and you are back to where you started. That is how my weekend was. Like I said in the last post, my mom, me, and the kids got to go see my sisters and spend the night with them. An all girls weekend…well…besides Bubby. We left early Friday morning and picked up Kris in Ft. Wayne and then went to pick up Sarah at Taylor. We pulled up to her dorm and watched her walk out to us. WOW…she looked so grown up and beautiful. She was an actual college student. We got to see her cute little dorm room and walked around for a little bit around campus. We didn’t walk for long because the kids were getting hungry…and by kids I meant me! There is a cute little restaurant called Ivanhoes down the road from the campus, so we ate there.
Then the day of fun began. We drove back to Ft. Wayne to an amazing mall. We spent the afternoon browsing the stores and trying on every shoe possible! The cute ones anyways! After dinner we decided to rent some movies and just have a night in. It was so relaxing. Kris and mom went to get the movies and Sarah and I stayed at Kris’ apartment. Thanks to my mom, Hayden had a fun, long bath time with some crayons that are for bath time…and by long I mean LONG. I think she would have stayed in there all night if I would have let her! After that, Hayden went to bed right away….both times…thanks Kris. Before the movie started, we had to make sure the air mattress was up and popcorn was ready. We started with The Back Up Plan and ended with Killers. What a great day!
Saturday started earlier than I was ready for with Hayden and Bubby waking up. The other part of the reason I wasn’t ready was because I knew we had to take Sarah back and then leave Kris. But, for some reason Sarah really likes her college and wanted to get back to her friends….I guess I should be happy for her…right? Yes. I am.
After all our goodbyes, mom and I headed home. We got back in time for most of the ND game, which I won’t talk much about. All I knew was that I was EXHAUSTED and ready for bed. However…when I was actually able to go to bed, I couldn’t. So many things were running through my head, so I decided to clean. Before I knew it, some of my kitchen cabinets were all cleaned out and organized, my shoes were all sorted and reorganized, and my closet was cleaned out.
After another restless night of a million feedings and thoughts, I got up and played with the kids and cleaned some more. Hayden helped me clean out the hall closet and both the bathrooms. She loved sorting through all my jewelry and trying everything on! As soon as Nic got off work we hopped on the Harley and headed to Hoosiers for the bike ride for fallen police officers. I couldn’t believe my eyes as we pulled into the parking lot and saw the lot FULL of bikes. So amazing. As we headed off for the 2 ½ hour ride, I was just amazed by how the community came together for this special ride. There were other police officers, firefighters, and people from the community. There were over 350 bikes. It was times like these as we rode along and watched people wave that made me so proud to be a police officer’s wife. I thought about my husband and all the police officers I know. I thought about what their jobs mean. I thought about how some people hate them until they really need them. I thought about the rude comments that I have heard over the years. Then I though about how every day I have to think about Nic and his friends and just pray that he comes home at 2. I think about how when he steps out that door with his uniform on, he is putting his life on the line. So then I ignore those negative comments and just pray. I am so proud of my husband and what he does. On our ride we passed the house of a police officer who died last December, Michael Swygart. His family was standing outside waving to all of us and in that moment tears came to my eyes. I pray with all my heart that I will never have to stand out in my yard watching hundreds of motorcycles ride by because I lost my husband in the line of duty. At the same time, I thought, “what an honor.” When we finally reached Hoosier again, I was beyond relief…my behind I had quite enough! I was afraid to get off the bike in fear that I would be walking like I had been on a horse for 2 days. Anyways, we ate and then went back home to our kids. Maybe tonight I will be able to get more than 4 hours of sleep…maybe.
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