Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sweet Sleep and Friends

This weekend went by faster than a police car speeding by with lights and sirens. Because Bubby hasn’t been sleeping at night....I woke up Saturday and felt like I was in a total fog. I couldn’t tell what time of the day it was or even what day it was. I wasn’t sure if it was just another moment of trying to get Colt back to sleep or if it really was, in fact, time to get up and start the day. However, my head was pounding and when I stood up, I thought I was going to fall right back down because the room was spinning in circles. But…I got Hayden out of her crib and started the day like any other day. Except, I did notice something different….there was a police car parked in our driveway. I immediately freaked out and ran into the room where Nic was sound asleep and promptly woke him up basically screaming that he overslept and he was going to be in so much trouble. The terrified look on his face told me that maybe I should have come in a little more calmer. After his heart slowed a little (ok, a lot), he calmly told me that he called in sick. I then remembered that from the time he got home on Friday until he went to sleep at night he was on the couch not feeling well at all. I wouldn’t feel well if I worked as much as him either. But, his allergies really got the best of him and he was down for the count. So after I realized he wouldn’t get fired for not going to work, I slowly backed out of the room, closed the door, and returned to Hayden, who was now on top of the counter fishing for Mr. Whoa and saying, “uh-oh”.

Nic finally came alive around 10:00 and told me that I needed to lay down and try to take a nap. I couldn’t believe my ears and I thought that I was so sleep-deprived that I was starting to hear things that I dream of hearing. I didn’t even ask if he was sure, I basically ran to the bedroom, shut the door, crawled under the covers, closed my eyes, and took a nice long breath and before I knew it I was asleep. For two hours I slept…two glorious hours-no interruptions, no crying, no “moooooommy”-just the back of my eyelids. When I finally woke up, the smell of eggs drifted through the air. I heard Hayden running back and forth and some noises from the kitchen. When I walked out…as a new person I might add…there was my wonderful husband, spraying down the counters and scrubbing the oven. To my surprise, he had cleaned out and wiped down the refrigerator and freezer (from when he accidently left 7 cans of pop in the freezer and every one of them exploded-I thought our house was being shot up). Colt was laying in his bassinet sound asleep, go figure. What a fantastic surprise to wake up to.

Later that night we had some friends over for the Notre Dame game. I got to see Jac, which was AMAZING since I haven’t seen her in so long….and her little tiny baby bump! She is just glowing! I can’t wait to meet baby Miller…and according to the Chinese Calendar she is having a girl! Although the Irish lost…again…I enjoyed the night with friends.

Today was spent just hanging around the house, playing with the kids, and cleaning (kinda). We spent the evening at Jason and Whit’s house. We cooked out and then sat around the fire. I am so glad that God has brought us another wonderful couple into our lives.

Now…it is 11:11 and I am making a wish that I get maybe four hours of sleep. Hmm…don’t know if it will work…but I can wish. Today was the 2nd day totally off caffeine so maybe that will make a difference? I also was able to pump and then feed him out of a bottle so maybe that will help as well. I don’t know, we will see. Many people have mentioned Baby Wise, so maybe I will try that as well. Say a little prayer for me!

This week should be very exciting and busy, but I can’t wait!

Monday-Dinner with the Leepers

Tuesday-Shaklee meeting-come out if you want!! Kara will be talking about the cleaners!

Wednesday-Introducing Shaklee vitamins to dad’s office

Thursday-Nic’s side of the family over for dinner

Friday-hmmm I forget!


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