Man, I am getting lazy with my blogging…well…lazy to me. The thing is, nothing too exciting is happening around here. October has started off great and is about to greater!
Saturday was October 2nd. On that day Nic and I celebrated 10 years of being together. For those of you who don’t know, that is a WHOLE decade! I thought a lot about how him and I started as a couple and every time I am reminded how good God is. Although there were bumps along the road, I would have it no other way. He has given me a husband who loves me and his family. He has given me a husband who is a hard worker. He has given me a husband who is loyal, trustworthy, and encouraging. He has given me a husband who can make me laugh until my stomach hurts and at the same time who lets me cry on his shoulder for no good reason. He has given me a husband who is strong, the kind of strength that I can’t find in myself sometimes. He has given me a husband who is determined and perseveres. He has given me a husband who is my best friends, someone I can share my hopes and dreams with…although he laughs at a lot of them…but believes in me when I don’t. He has given me a husband that is totally opposite of me in every way, which has made us balanced for the last 10 years. This is my husband and I am so proud to call him “mine.” He is AMAZING and I love him more and more as the days go on. Who would have thought 10 years ago that I would have actually married my high school sweetheart and have 2 kids with him? Oh yeah, that’s right…I knew from the day I met him that I was going to marry him…just took some time for him to realize the same thing!
Anyways, he had to work that morning so I spent some time at my grandparents’ house. Of course they fed me and the kids…hehe. I love going to visit and spending time talking to them. They make me laugh! And of course grandma made one of her DELICIOUS cherry pies that I devour! After that, we met Nic and headed to Mishawaka for his softball tourney. It was a tad bit nippy so I met my sister for some lunch real quick. She was studying her little heart out at mom and dad’s while they were in Fort Wayne for parents’ weekend at Taylor. This week is really important for her and VERY stressful so I wasn’t allowed to see her…am I really that distracting? Maybe it is my 2 crazy children? Buttttt…she called me so I figured that was ok! So we met for a quick lunch and headed back to the park while she headed off to her 4 inch books. After the ball games the Spiveys and half of the Millers came over to watch the football game. The girls socialized while the guys got was a great time. Below are some pictures over the years as a couple.

Sunday I knew my parents were not going to be at church and they are the ones that help me in and out of church with the kids. Well…I was on my own today. Colton only woke up 2 times during the night and slept until 8:00am so I obviously didn’t make it to the early service. However, I did have both of the kids and myself ready by 9:30, which made me happy. Usually, no matter how early I wake up and get ready, we still manage to be 5-10 minutes late…never fails. But this Sunday I was going to prove to myself I can be ON time and get the kids in and out of church by myself. Nic works Sunday so it is just me. And 2 kids. Under the age of 2. When we got there I figured I would carry Colt’s seat in while Hayden walked holding my hand. Not so much. Hayden had other plans. She wanted me to hold her as well. So…here I come holding Hayden on one hip and holding the colt in his seat in my other arm…can I just say that I need to work out a little more? No wonder I feel like my biceps are getting bigger. Anyways…so I huffed and puffed all the way to the nursery, trying to avoid talking to anyone in fear I might just drop one of my babies. I then was able to breathe and enjoy the entire service. It was wonderful. I made if back to the car after the service and felt like the day was successful…no major fits and no one got forgotten. Seriously…I give props to moms that have more than 2 kids. If you do have more than 2 you are probably laughing your head off at this because you are complete pros at this. Oh well…I am still learning.
Monday was back to our routine. Kinsley and Hayden played together most of the day and Bubby enjoyed his spot in my arms. We enjoyed the evening with the Steve, Tara, Hannah and Max. Tara and I took pictures of Hannah and Colt together and laughed and talked to them.
Today was much like yesterday, but with a 4th baby. It is so fun to watch the girls take care of Colt and Ronan…they love them and love to make them smile. Tonight we have a Shaklee get together and I am soooo excited for it!
Tonight we are talking about Shaklee Baby Products…Kara will we talking about how to make sure your child is healthy and safe…especially entering flu season. If you would like to hear about it, come and join us!! Anyone can come! It will be fun!
Alright…back to my babies and husband. At the moment Nic is playing with a baby guitar that plays music and looking at books with the girls…seriously, I love this man.
1 comment:
May I suggest the use of a stroller to get in and out of church?! Whole lot easier to carry one if you can push the other.
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