Well this week has been another busy week with Nic and I. He has been working like a mad dog, even on his days off….poor guy. It seems like he never stops. I can’t wait for the day…which should be SOON…where he doesn’t have to work so much overtime and kill himself. While he has been working, I have been babysitting and running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to feed babies, change diapers, sing and dance to music, refereeing between the girls, taking turns holding the boys so they each get their attention. Not only has this kept me busy, but our little business is starting to build, which is such a God-thing. We have been able to talk to a lot of people, especially friends about our opportunity, which has been a TON of fun.
Tuesday night was my first “big” event for the business. Kara, Kyle, Whit, Jason, the babies and I all loaded up and headed to Chicago. I felt like a little girl again as we were pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. I wasn’t quite sure I knew what to expect, except that I was going to get to meet real people that had important roles to the business. I couldn’t wait to actually meet these people that I keep hearing or seeing on the little DVDs I watch. I think the biggest reason I was so excited was because I could see actual people where their lives have been changed by this. The whole time I was there I kept joking with my group that I would be up on that stage soon telling people our story and how this business has changed our life, as a family. But the truth is, I wasn’t joking. The reality is, everyone wants to be successful. I want to be successful. But until Tuesday night I thought I just had to dream. Just dream that we could travel, dream to have a new car, dream to make a better life for my kids, dream, dream, dream. But now I know that those dreams can come true. I don’t have to worry about not helping Nic with the finances of our house, our cars, our children. Because now, as a couple, we can make our dreams come true. What an answer to prayer. If you have read my other posts, you will know that I have struggled for a lot time about feeling guilty about staying home with the kids and not working, when really we needed the 2 incomes. But now that guilt has been lifted and I can still stay at home with my babies but also bring in income. What a great feeling! Anyways, back to the evening. We got to meet a lot of successful people and let me tell you, they are so personable! When I think of a CEO…I think of an old man sitting in his mansion letting everyone else do all the work. Not Roger. He made time to come talk to us face to face and was just the nicest man. You can just see right to his heart and how much he wants to help people…people like me. We also got to meet some other guys too that were very inspiring and showed us that it IS possible to make our dreams come true. Overall….GREAT NIGHT!
Not only was it a great night for me, but it was a great night for Hayden. She got to spend it with her Papi and Grammie. I knew she would have a blast…and she did. She got to eat ice cream BEFORE dinner and then went to Chuck E Cheese. She isn’t spoiled at all…HA! She even got to spend the night with them. She is one lucky girl!
Wednesday we got to spend some time with Nic’s mom and sister in the evening. I am pretty sure Brooke got a good night’s sleep after Hayden made her play the WHOLE time! Last night I got to see my little Hannah…and of course her mom…hehe! She is just changing each time I see her. She had her eyes open for a little while, which was awesome to see. She can now focus instead of that far off look. She is just too precious.
Today I didn’t have any extra kids, so I was able to meet with my mentor, Lora, for the first time since Colt was born. Let me tell you, it was so refreshing for me to be able to just get the kids out of the house. We met at the McDonald’s with the play gym…Hayden played the WHOLE 2 HOURS! She was in absolute heaven! Lora’s 2 boys played with her and helped her climb up to the slides and even went down the slides with her. She loved it. It was nice not having to watch her every move and chase her around. Lora held Colt most of the time so I just laid back and relaxed while we got caught up with life. I honestly feel like a new person. God knew I needed this time….Hayden needed this time as well to do something other than play around the house. It was a great time to go play because she played all the way up to nap time. But…we made one last stop on the way home…the library. There is a library right down from our house and since Hayden is really starting to sit still during stories, I thought I would see if they had some sort of “story time” for kids her age. I have heard of other moms taking their kids to the library for story time and I thought maybe Hayden would like it. I also thought that maybe this could be something I do with her and Kinsley so they get out of the house once in a while. They have a group for 0-24 months, so I am VERY excited about it. The best part is it doesn’t cost anything. As it turns to fall and then the winter I know we won’t be able to do park days or play outside so I was wondering if there were other things we could do to kind of get out of the house but doesn’t cost much. Does anyone have any ideas? I know there are play groups out there but I wasn’t sure how to connect with those. So if you know of anything please let me know. I think it would be good for the kids to do every once in awhile.

We have the "we can't play outside" problem in opposite seasons, but I understand the trouble. Sam and I love going to story time at the library! We also found a music class through a church (not ours) that only costs $10/semester. Is there a neighborhood mom's group? Most neighborhoods around us have them and they always organize playgroups. A group of us with similar age kids from our church also organized our own playgroup - just take turns hosting at different houses. Malls...all the malls near us have (free) indoor play structures. We also joined the Children's Museum, which seems like a lot when you pay in one chunk, but when you figure your per visit costs its really cheap (at least for us, we go to the "tot spot" a lot!). Even just going to a friend's house - with a different set of toys - is a good distraction for an hour or two.
You are always more then welcome to bring the kids oer to my house for a play date :) New toys are always fun!
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