Sunday, September 26, 2010

Helloooooo Fall!

I don’t know if you realized it yet, but this weekend was the last weekend in September. WOW! What a month! What an emotional month…but a good month! This last weekend we spent with friends and football (well…kinda football!). Friday night Nic was working so I met my good ole friends the Spiveys and Millers at no other place than Hacienda! Can I just say I am still not the best at handling BOTH kids by myself at a restaurant?! Thank goodness for Steve and Rick for stepping in with carrying the down right heavy car seat and tackling Hayden while I soothed her little brother after she bit his finger…the little pistol! Ok, seriously, how do you discipline your child in public when you are afraid that if you set one finger on her someone will call CPS? So, thank you boys for helping a mom out! After dinner we met back at our house to watch Get Smart…I didn’t even know we owned it…HA. But I am glad I know now because it is kind of funny!

Saturday was another day spent with friends. But before that, I met up with my mom to do some grocery shopping while Pops spent time with his mini me. I am telling you, Hayden loves Papi more than anyone and I sometimes get jealous! She spotted him on the mower the SECOND we pulled in the driveway, so of course she had to stand there, eyes glued on him, until he picked her up. When I returned home with the groceries and two sleeping kids, I was met by Nic. Between the 2 of us we got both kids in their beds and for their naps and all the groceries unloaded in record time. Because we were so speedy I was also able to put up my fall decorations!! It was then time to relax and enjoy our friends and watch some football…if you want to call it that.

Today we went to lunch with my parents, which I enjoyed greatly, not just because of the good food, but because I just love being with family. Nic had today off, which was SOOO awesome…he didn’t have to work AT SE and no security! WOOHOO! Anyways, we were so looking forward to our afternoon nap. Both kids have had a little cold so I thought it would be a great time for EVERYONE to take a nap. Oh but did they have other plans. Hayden laid in her crib for a whole hour talking, kicking the bed, throwing everything out of her bed, and then screaming to let her out of her jail. Colton decided he just wanted to play and smile and not even try to close his eye lids. Great. This was the first time in a veryyyyy long time that Hayden didn’t nap at all during the day. But now it is 7:16 and guess what she is doing?? Sleeping. Does this mean she will be up at the crack of dawn?? Oh dear I hope not! I am really thinking maybe this will be our week of getting at least 4 hours of sleep at night. You think that will happen? By the grace of God I pray that happens!

Ok, now back to September…Can you believe that this is the last week of September?! For me, at least, it is very hard to believe that October is just around the corner, which happens to be the month that my baby girl turns TWO…yes, she will be TWO years old. Seriously, time flies by faster than the speed of light…well maybe not that fast but it seems like it! I don’t know about you but I know of some big things that will be happening this month and man am I stoked. Fall is now here and I have quite enjoyed the need of my oversized sweatshirts and wearing socks. I know, I know, I am going to regret saying that in a about a month when it is below freezing and I am wishing my little head off that I could wear flip flops again. But for this moment I am enjoying the cooler weather and actually being able to play outside with Hayden with out my sweat glands going hay-wire. I am also enjoying the beautiful gold, orange, and red colors I see all around me. The decorations, the leaves, the pumpkins. Oh man, I feel like a little girl in anticipation of a field trip to the pumpkin patch. I can’t wait to see how Hayden reacts when we take her to get a pumpkin…she will probably want the biggest one and then want to carry it all by herself, which I have all faith in her that she will carry it. She is a strong little lady. I have no doubt whatsoever that she will be one of those girls who can take care of herself.

Another reason I am loving this weather right now is because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE BONFIRES! I love gazing into the blue, red, orange, and yellow flames. It is just so relaxing. It also reminds me of when Nic and I used to camp with his family while we were dating and every night we would just sit around the fire and just enjoy each other’s company. Nic would sometimes play his guitar and I would just let go of anything I was thinking about and just pray. And of course you can’t have a fire without S’MORES! Oh man, do I love those things…but of course I always had to completely burn my marshmallows so you couldn’t even see a hint of white just because I am so darn impatient! Nic, on the other hand takes his sweet old time and gets them the perfect golden color.

I am also excited because we will be doing our first vendor (for Shaklee) at Baugo Township Fire Department on October 9th. There will be SO many different vendors out there including Lia Sophia, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Miche Bags, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Advocare, 31 Gifts, Dove Chocolate, Guy and Eva, Willow House, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Uppercase Living, and many more. There will also be a Quarter Auction at 6 pm with the products from these vendors. If you would like to come and join and have some fun, let me know. Tickets are $4. There will be food and drinks as well. Just make sure you bring your QUARTERS!! Man am I stoked! The only thing is, I will be in Ohio for a shower so my WONDERFUL and dear husband is going to do the table for me…what a man! He might be the only male there but shhhh! Anyways, it will be a fun time, so come on out!

Alright, now that I have rambled on, I am going to spend the rest of the night watching Robin Hood and enjoying my husband’s company!

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