Man, I feel like I have not blogged forever, when in all reality we it has only been like a week! But you see, the sun has been out (well, some days) and the warmth has been calling my name. I seriously can hear the sun saying to me, "Toriiiii...come out and let me soak into your skin!" Well, let me tell ya something. I am not 20 years old anymore. The sun can't just soak into me. You see, when I gave birth to my precious baby girl, something happened to my skin. It no longer soaks in the sun like it used to. I no longer look skin just looks...blah and red. Seriously, I can't explain it. BUT, I still love to be out in it and just enjoy God's beauty. So, all that rambling to say...the kids and I have been enjoying the sun...a lot! Nic has too...he just built a garden for us!! Now, I don't know the first thing about I am going to have to find a book called "Gardening for Dummies." Do they have one of those? He has been working really hard on our yard, and I am just loving it!
Let's see, what have we been up to recently...
Considering the reason I made this blog was to write down memories and knowing my memory has been lost, I will try to record what has happened this past week.
My sisters have been home from school, which has been a lot of fun. Hayden and Colt are growing more and more attached to all of their aunts.
Brooke graduated last Friday from Penn...and yes, she has already been in college for a semester:) We are excited to celebrate with her at her open house on Saturday.

Saturday evening and Sunday we spent out at the Eby Pines Campground with the Wass'. Of course we had to go when there were Tornado warnings and all that good stuff. But, everything was fine and we all had a blast. It is so weird now that Hayden is at an age where she can run off (in plain sight) and I don't have to chase after her. She knows how far to go and can just enjoy herself. I wish I had pictures, but I totally forgot my camera was in the bag in the car:) OHHHH...and the best part was, Colton took a couple steps...and Anita was a witness! Now, he hasn't since then, but it still was AWESOME to watch him do that!
Monday was Memorial Day. We spent the day at my parents' and had a cookout. It was such a beautiful day. That evening, Nic, Colt, and I went to Jason's baseball game. My mom asked to keep Hayden, so I would only have to chase after one child...both children did absolutely wonderful!
Last night Tara, Steve, and Hannah came and ate with us. Nic and Steve went to play basketball and us ladies stayed with the children. I just had to sit back and watch all three of them. All of them are just growing too fast and doing new things all the time. Hannah was standing, crawling super fast, and giggling her heart out...I feel like she should still just be a little baby. Colton was getting in good with his future mother in law...kissing all over her, blowing kisses, and hugging her. I attempted to put him in bed 2 different times, but he knew his girlfriend was out there and just couldn't leave her:) As for Hayden, she just ran around in circles as usual, talking her precious head off about who knows what!!
And I am pretty sure that is all that has been happening, other than I have been super busy with our little business...which is always a good thing:) OOHHH AND...Nic and I took my Sarah to get a piercing at the tatoo shop. As we were there, Sarah asked me why I didn't get a piercing in which Nic responded, "she is too chicken." Now OF COURSE I had to prove him wrong, even though my head was screaming ABSOLUTELY NOT...I hate needles, I hate pain...I run from my own dad when he gives me the flu shot. However, like I said, I HAD to prove Nic I braved it, laid on the chair, closed my eyes (after repositioning myself 15 times), and let Mr. Piercer jam a longgg needle through the middle part of my ear. Needless to say, I am still complaining about the pain and can't sleep on my left side. I am that big of a baby...can push 2 kids out my you know what but can't deal with an ear piercing! Goodness! BUTTT...I proved Nic wrong:) And that's all that counts.
Can you believe it is ALREADY June?!?! I hope that you all have a blessed week/weekend and enjoy the GORGEOUS weather!!
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