Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Grandfather, a Father, a Husband

Dear Jesus,
Today I want to thank you for placing 3 very important men in my life. I thank you for the example these men have been to those around them. These men are not only husbands, brothers, and sons. They are also fathers. Amazing fathers.
Lord, I thank you first for my grandpa. He is now in heaven with you, but he has left such a legacy here on Earth. I thank you for the impact he has made in my life and to those around him. Although he was man of few words, he loved his family more than life-his wife, his children, his grandchildren, his great-grandchildren. I sure do miss him a lot. Thank you for allowing him to be a father to my mother.

Thank you for my father. Growing up, I always knew that I was one lucky girl to be his daughter. I never once doubted his love for me or for my siblings. He did everything he could to make sure that we were happy and taken care of...we never had to worry about anything. Thank you for a father that was present, who was there for his children. Thank you, Lord, for choosing me to be his daughter. Thank you for his unfailing love and his protection over his children. He was and still is always there for his children. We never have to guess or question if he will be there. He has always been there for us to hold us when we cry, rejoice with us during celebration, laugh with us (or at us...hehe), pray with us during our trials, and teaching us how to live by simply showing it through his actions. He does the same for his grandchildren that he would do for his own children, and for that I am grateful. Thank you Lord for choosing my to be his daughter.

The last man I want to thank you for on this day is my husband. I cannot thank you enough for sending this man into my life to become my husband, my best friend, and the father to our children. I thank you for his devotion to our family, for his unconditional love. He does everything he can to provide for our family, and for that I am thankful beyond words. When I watch Nic with our children, my heart overflows with joy. Thank you for blessing our children with a father who loves them, spoils them, provides for them, plays with them, disciplines them, prays for them, adores them, laughs with them, holds them, and is there for them. I have loved every single minute watching Nic grow into the father that he is. Thank you for allowing him to be the example to his children of a Christ-follower.The love in his heart for his children is seen through his actions as their father. Thank you for choosing us to be a family.

God, thank you for these men in my life. Thank you for the countless blessings you have poured on us as a family. But most importantly, thank you for being my heavenly father. Thank you for being perfect in every way. Thank you for your faithfulness, unfailing love, protection, blessings, provision, and for your example. Thank you for choosing me to be your daughter. 

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