Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Growing so FAST!

Ok...can I just say that my babies are not babies anymore? I am having a really hard time with this because I don't know if I will ever have another baby in the house again and so I am just sooo emotional right now! Am I crazy?? Hayden is just growing and learning everyday...she has turned into quite the best friend. She is into this cuddling stage which I absolutely love and enjoy every second of it. She is at that age where she can walk beside you going in/out of places and doesn't need to be held to make sure she doesn't still hold her hand so don't worry! She is by far the funniest little creature. She loves to show off for people, so as soon as someone walks through our door, she runs in circles, laughing, throwing herself around to make the visitor smile. She is finally at an age that we can take her into a restaurant and she keeps herself busy with food and her blocks. She is actually quite easy to take along to places now...thank the LORD! She is wanting to do everything on her dressing herself..over and over and over, but then turns to tears because she put both legs through one pant leg and can't walk. Whatever I do, she says, " tooooo." or "I help." She is generous with her hugs and kisses and continually finds ways to melt my heart. Yesterday, Nic had to work the bank and was walking to the kitchen to go out the back door when Hayden started running towards him yelling, "wait dad! Love you! I want a kiss!" It was precious, precious, precious! I can't get enough of that child...well...unless she is doing one of her full out tantrums where she starts with that high pitched scream and ends with thrashing herself around the floor. As I am typing this, she has her head on my shoulder and is asking about her daddy. I absolutely LOVE this age. She is just too fun.
Colton is also growing too fast. My baby boy isn't much of a baby anymore...but I don't wanna admit that! Boy is he precious. He has been sleeping through the night for a couple months now and it has been amazing...he actually sleeps until 9:30, which is when he will wake up, talk to himself, giggle, and then I walk in and he has a smile on his face that stretches from one ear to the other. How can I not just want to scoop him up and squeeze the life out of him? He is such a beautiful little boy and I can't believe that he will be walking soon...well...hopefully. I thought he was going to start walking awhile ago, but everyday he proves me wrong. He figures, "why not crawl since it is SO much faster?" And I am thinking, "well, there goes that pair of pants." and "doesn't that kill your knees?" But, he will walk when he is ready:) He is climbing on everything and thinks it is funny when he gets stuck...but only for about 2 seconds. He still follows his sissy everywhere and LOVES EVERYTHING she is playing with. He is at that age that Hayden was when he would rather play through the drawers in the kitchen than with the whole playroom full of toys. But how can I be upset when he looks up and squeals like he is having the time of his life? Now, this is something that is hard to swallow...he is at that age where he doing things on his starting to climb up the wood plank things to get to the slide. He no longer needs me for every single thing. Boo. He is still a little stinker to change, but as soon as I get that last shoe on, he zooms like there's no tomorrow. Quite the sight. He is also very generous with his kisses...we ask for a kiss and he opens his moth as wide as possible and leans into us...we might have to work on that one:) But seriously, this momma's heart swells to the limits with those kisses. His giggle is the most precious sound in the WORLD (well-it is tied with Hayden's giggle!). He loves to be tickled and always comes back for more.
Seriously, can't believe they are changing so much and growing so much so fast. There is so much more that I could write, but...that beautiful little boy I just described is ready to get out of his crib!

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