Tuesday, June 14, 2011

THE BOAT! and a Meltdown:)

Does anyone else feel like summer is affecting nap time?? As much as I am in love with being out on the boat or in the back yard out in the sun, I am finding that my children are suffering from the lack of nap time because of the unwillingness to leave the sunshine. I try to convince myself that it's ok because we are making memories:) But I have a feeling that is going to bite me in the butt SOON.
Lately if we are not at home, you can find the Minder family at the lake or the softball fields. Saturday, after Nic got off work, we headed out to the lake with the Spiveys and Sarah. Although it was a little cloudy, it was still wonderful just to be on the water soaking in God's beautiful scenery. Not to mention, we had good company.

Sunday we were planning on spending the day at the lake again since Nic had the day off. But...it was a little chilly:( We did have Nic's softball games though where Hayden and Colton enjoyed getting completely dirty from head to toe! Good thing I let them where their play clothes:)
Nic also had Monday off and we headed out once again to the lake. It was B-E-A-U-TIFUL! I even got some sun...shocking! Sometimes I wonder what Nic and I are thinking when we totally skip naptime to be out in the sun...it was obvious at his games last night that we weren't thinking too much. However, it is 10:00 right now and Colt is just getting up:)
Ok, now it is 10 at night...12 LONGGGG hours later. This momma is worn out completely. Let me tell ya, running a business from home with 5 kids running through the house, 1 two year old in a VERY fiesty mood which led to a very long nap/quiet time (that was my daughter btw), 1 one year old wanting his mommy, is no simple task...but if I can do it...ANYONE can:) Besides the children, today was just a rough day. Last night was a long, restless night with my mind going in every direction caught up with me and a melt down did in fact happen in front of the 3 oldest children (who I think I scarred). It was just that kind of day. And it is DEFINITELY that time of the month, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Anddd of course my mom and Nic both called during this meltdown, I think they would pretty much agree that I am an emotional insane mom right now:) Because of this, Nic surprised me by having his mom come right after the girls got picked up and him and I just spent a couple hours away. It was peaceful...and we just sat most of the time in silence, but yet had some great time to talk. I am married to one a-m-a-z-i-n-g man who loves his wife enough to know she just needed a little break.

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