Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog Block...So this is what you get!

So I have been trying to figure out what to blog and I think I am having a blog block. I usually update with family things, but to tell you the truth, nothing really has happened. I know, I know, how interesting are we? Well, pretty uneventful:) Some may say boring, I say uneventful! But sometimes that is just what some families need. A little bit of uneventful-ness, or boring-ness. I do know that I am going to need to leave this "boring-ness" soon or I am going to go CRAZY! If you were to walk in my shoes for one day, you wouldn't think it was too boring. You know, running after kids, answering a MILLION questions (sometimes not even understanding the question), changing diapers, cleaning out toddler toilets, dancing and singing your heart out to see a smile, picking up toy after toy only to find that it is just wasting time, feeding meal after meal even while waiting patiently for every bite to be eaten (or at least anything eaten), vacuuming at least 2 times only to notice that the snack you gave ended up crumbled underneath the coffee table, reading at least 13 books that you know by heart just from reading them SO much, carrying on conversation with a 2 year old finding that as your only intelligent conversation all day, burning food because you forgot that you were trying to cook anything...BUT then I stop and THINK...UMM HELLO! Every mom goes through this and I have ONLY 2 kids...well up to 5 kids some then I remind myself to shut up and move on in life because no one cares about the mommy things I do throughout the day. Why? Because it is normal to any therefore boring to readers:) However, I would never trade one second of my days!
Have I thoroughly confused you yet?
Here is a little recap of this week's uneventfulness-
*Colt came down with a bug last week-It started out as just whininess during the morning, early nap that lasted until 4 when I had to wake the poor fellow up to leave, then throwing up ALL over the car on the way to Mamaw's house. Congratulations, Mamaw, you got a sick kid for the evening...sorry:) He ended up having a fever of almost  103 degrees from 4 pm Thursday until sometime in the afternoon on Friday. I know this is going to sound horrible, but the best part about my buddy being sick is how completely cuddly he is. I ended up sleeping on the recliner with my baby in my arms because ever time I laid him down, his stomach made the weirdest sounds and I really didn't want to clean up puke again. He is completely all better now and back to his chipper ole' self.
*Since Colt loves to share, he gave this wonderful bug to his sister. Hayden came down with a high fever Saturday night and had it throughout Sunday. There were no messes to clean up, if you know what I mean. She does have a terrible cold though...which means lots and lots of Vick's at night. The poor girl smells like she bathed in it, even after she actually bathes!
*Friday I went and hung out at my parents' house with my sisters...and to share my sick child:) Nic was working ALL day and into the night, so I just planted myself at my parents'. However, this quickly changed when I got a text that said "I just rolled my ankle really bad" from my hubby. Of course, my stomach tossed and I became the paranoid wife that I am. It ended up that he got in a foot pursuit- and it kinda went bad. He was fine, but they made him go to the hospital just to make sure he was ok. This is the same ankle he broke in college and the same one the doctors were worried about surgery if anything happened again. But, nothing was torn or broken-praise the Lord! He isn't allowed back to work until Thursday though because of the severity of the sprain. I really must say, I am thankful for almost a week with him here at home!! Not sure he feels the same though when the kids are screaming their heads off and I go into "not-so-nice-wife/mother" mode. But, I am just enjoying that he has with us considering how much he has been working.
* Nothing is really new with me:) I have found myself on my knees more than usual asking God for wisdom and guidance. Don't worry, nothing is wrong:) We are just asking for maybe some more open doors! Sometimes I think I am afraid to ask for this because I am afraid to know the answer. But, God continues to provide for us and I am thankful for that.
So there, there is my poor attempt at a blog...:) Hope you all enjoy the thunderstorms today...I will be seeking safety in a nearby bathroom:)

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