Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Lovin'

Is it just me, or is June already going too fast? I am trying to soak every single moment of summer up but I feel like I can't even grasp it! Although it has been GORGEOUS outside, I haven't been able to take the kids out all that much because of the heat. We spend a little at a time out but man, we need a pool! The little sprinkler has been able to keep the kids a little cool:) We had a pool up last year but the ground that it completely killed has become the garden, which by the way is actually growing!! Don't really know what to do from here but that's ok. I will learn....or Nic will just tell me what to do!

Well, we did it! Brooke's open house was a success! Although last week was stressful trying to figure out how to clean the whole house with 2 little ones following my every move and undoing everything I did, we figured it out. I just realized that my house won't be totally clean until my children go off to college:)  Nic worked A LOT last week so it was up to me to get the house done. But, we did it and everything went smoothly and Starla had some great food! Congratulations, Brooke!! We are sooo proud of you! And because it was SOO stinkin' hot outside, we had the sprinkler on for the little kids:)

In the midst of everyone getting ready for the party, Kara and Kyle Sears were being filmed by the Shaklee crew. Nic, the kids, and I were invited to be a part of the filming on Friday night for a little bit. I gotta tell ya, I kinda felt like I was on the Bachelorette or some reality show with the cameras right in our face:) We were told to act normal and just hang we did. The kids had a ball (Hayden ran around with Payton the whole time, which was so fun to watch...and they got along, which was a huge plus!).

We had a major praise answered this week. My sister Sarah has had every test possible done on her ankle, leg, and anything they might think would be part that might be related to all the swelling. After a couple of years of trying to figure everything out, with doctors turning her in circles, with no answers, she finally has one. I don't know the name of it, because, well, it is about 20 million letters long. In short, her muscle is entrapping her veins, which is causing the swelling. The cure? Surgery. She goes to the doctor in a couple weeks to do some tests where they inject dye into the veins to confirm the diagnosis. She finally has answers. God is always faithful.

Once again, God has shown his provision over our family when I received a message yesterday about babysitting for the summer. I will have a 5 and 7 year for the summer days. Two girls...who my kids's a win-win situation! Well, until the girls get annoyed with two babies hanging on them all day long! I am still wanting to do tutoring as well so we will see where God leads us.

Today we headed out to Walmart to pick some things up...which, by the way...was a little different trip with 4 children. But, we survived and the girls were great helpers. We then packed a picnic for the park and headed off to the park for awhile in the afternoon. Let's just say EVERY person was worn out when we returned home and as I write, I have 2 children in bed and another 2 sprawled out over the floor. Precious.

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