Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not a normal Saturday

It is Saturday morning. Some people wait all week until this morning. Where usually people will get to sleep in and look at this day of spending time with family and relaxing. It is usually a day where people don't have to worry with the stresses of the work day. It is a day where people find it the only time of the week to run errands, make a real breakfast, do laundry from the week and so on.
Saturdays are usually a relaxing day for us as relaxing as it can get with kids running through the house! It is a day where I take a break from "working" and put all my focus on my kids. And even though Nic still has to work, it is usually a day where he doesn't work any extra security jobs. Occasionally we would maybe go to one of his basketball games or a different basketball game, but now basketball is over. Such a bittersweet time...I will now have my husband at home at night for dinner and to play with the kids and help give baths and put them to bed...and for that I have a smile on my face.
However, this Saturday is proving to be very different than I ever thought as I went throughout my week. I have come to realize that with having kids, nothing really ever goes "as planned"...which is not a bad thing at all. I woke up to my precious baby girl's stomach gurgling like crazy and before my brain started working and realizing what that meant, the bed was wet from puke. Poor girl...she didn't have a clue what was happening except that she was holding her tummy and whining that she wanted to back to "nigh nigh". After cleaning everything up, I snuggled with my baby girl as she drifted off to sleep again. I was surprised to see the time when I then heard Colt talking to himself at 8 am. That meant he slept ALL THE WAY THROUGH the night! His ear must not be bothering him anymore! We ended up having to switch to a different antibiotic after he broke out in hives from the normal stuff that I don't know how to spell! I am allergic to it to so it was no surprise when he broke out...I knew right away that he was allergic as well...even though this was his 3rd or 4th round of the stuff. Anyways, at least he doesn't seem to be bothered by any pain!
So I brought the 2 kids into the living room to play. Only there was no playing. Before I knew it or could move her, Hayden started throwing up again. I grabbed the nearest object which was a cup so that maybe, just maybe, we would get lucky and aim INTO the cup...not so lucky. So, I sprayed the carpet and cleaned it up just in time to look at Colt start to cough and then, once again, failed to save the carpet. Hmmm...never quite had to deal with BOTH kids at the same time throwing up. Now all three of us were covered in a huge stink. Just the way any mother wants to start of her day...right?
My first thought was, "ok, now that they have it out of their system, there surely can't be anymore because after all, neither of them has had anything to drink or eat yet." Boy was that a stupid thought. It is 9 am and since that moment, both kids have found it their job to cover the entire kitchen and the rugs with their lovely puke. Colton at least got some of it into the sink until he turned his head and got it down my shirt and my arms. With the help of our big pup, everything was cleaned and we moved on (poor gross is that?!)
I finally got smart and got a bucket out...too bad Hayden didn't like the idea and threw up beside the bucket instead of in it. Colton wasn't fond of it either because he found that the carpet was a better option.
-------Break-------clean up more yucky stuff-----------AHHH!!------------------ is now 2:25 and I am back! You know, I know it is never fun having two sick kids at the same time, but I have got to tell you...this morning was VERY special to me...not the puking part, but Colt, Hayden and I cuddled on the big chair and Colt fell asleep on my chest...which doesn't happen much these days. Hayden fell asleep on the chair as well. I just held my two babies and was just so thankful for that moment. I know before I know it they will be grown and not want to cuddle when they are sick. They aren't always going to want or need me to take care of them. We are now watching Ramona and Beezus for the 4th time today. I think I have this movie completely memorized word for word! The other good thing about today is I have myself and the kids packed for Aruba! Yes, I still have 2 weeks, but it never hurts to be prepared!
Even though today wasn't what I had "planned," God knew exactly how the day would pan out and I couldn't be more grateful. Hayden is finally moving around again...tormenting our poor dog and begging me to take her outside... so I think things are looking up!
Thank you, God, for allowing extra cuddles this morning and just time to hold my babies. They are growing up so fast. Please heal their little bodies quickly and return them to health. Amen.

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