Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to Reality

Well...back to reality...and cold....BUT the SUN IS OUT AND SHINING! So I gotta be happy about that, right?
I had to laugh this morning when I woke up (well, I cried first after only getting 5 hours of broken sleep because of babies waking up) because yesterday when Nic and I walked through the door with the babies, I smiled and was so thankful that I had the time before we left to clean the house. I can't tell you the feeling of walking into a CLEAN house after a week of vacation. I purposely made sure all dishes were clean, all clothes were clean and put away, floors mopped and vacuumed, fridge cleared out, trash taken out, and so on and so on. Well, you couldn't tell a SINGLE bit that this house was EVER clean when I got out of 10 hours of pride was shot down when I saw our clothes EVERYWHERE, toys thrown through the house, stacks of clothes waiting to be clean, or clean and needed to be put away from the vacation, plastic bags of lotions, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrushes thrown on the table, stuffings from the diaper bag spilling out, suitcases being tripped over. Goodness, unpacking takes longer than packing!! Goodness gracious! But ya know, ya just gotta laugh about it sometimes. So throughout the day I would go from chore to chore forgetting the actual chore I was on and move onto something else and then remembered and well, just never stopping to sit down trying to get everything back into place. It was a little hard when I would finally get, let's say the kitchen, kind of in decent shape only to have Hayden "help" and empty the towel drawer and play house with our dog...with EVERY SINGLE dish towel, oven mit, and apron...which means I now have really clean towels:) She was also a great help when I was cleaning her room and she decided to decorate the living room with half the toys that I just put away in the toy room. But how can I get upset when she runs to me and points to her wonderful mess and says, "look, mom" with such a proud smile on her face and her eyes so wide and excited at what she did and then wraps her arms around my legs. Gosh, I love her. She even helped me with Bubby when she decided that he "beep, beeped" (pooped) and decided to change his diaper all by herself while I was going to the bathroom (when will I learn I can no longer go to the bathroom while the kids are awake?). Let's just say Bubby was laughing his head off and Hayden was once again proud of herself, but me on the other hand, am truly worried about how this is going to scar my son (I WILL NOT go into detail what she was doing to him before trying to put on the diaper). Where is Mamaw and Papi? I was very spoiled this past week with all the incredible help of my family and having Nic 24/7 to myself.
Also, another thing I noticed...I don't know if I am just crazy or anyone else is like this, but I would be putting away clothes in Hayden's room and while putting away the clothes in the drawers I would say, "hey, this needs to be cleaned out". So I would start cleaning out all the drawers making a bigger mess than I started...or putting away the diaper bag in the closet and being disgusted with the disorganized coats, purses, random things that you find in our closet so I would start cleaning it out and then have my husband come home to everything in the closet ON the FLOOR and him just looking at me like "what the heck are you doing?" In my mind I do have a purpose to all the just can't see it yet. But that's when I realized...I am a complete scatter brain! or maybe ADHD? Not sure which one!
Anyways, reality is back and so is my wonderful "kids live here" house. Someday I will get the hang of this whole parenting thing...if I am lucky I will get it before they turn 18 and are moving out of the house.
Nic went back to work and we are totally back to our normal routine of craziness and I love every single second of it...even when I want to just lock myself in the bathroom, sit in the tub and pretend my kids are perfect little angels who don't cry, don't fight, don't poop, and just want to please me in everything they can ages 2 1/2 and 11 months. Hehe! But...I can't even shut the door of the bathroom for fear of safety for my children from each other.
But I don't care...who needs privacy to pee? Not me.
I know this is all over the place, but that's how I roll!

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