Monday, February 28, 2011

Bunch of Ramblings

Well, in about 15 minutes, it will be March 1st. Yes, that is the 3rd month of the year, which means that next month, April, is the month my baby boy turns ONE...a whole year old. Let's not think about that right now because it brings a little tear to my eye to think about how fast it has gone!
Not much has happened here at the Minder household...besides me running around like a chicken with my head cut off...but that's pretty normal. Nic worked over 70 hours last week and will be about the same this week...which means me and the kids are on our own. Can I just say that I can't WAIT till basketball season is over? Now, don't get me wrong, I am very proud of my husband and I know he has such a passion for those boys, but I miss my helper...and trust me...I need that helper BACK RIGHT NOW! I definitely can't wait to get back to a normal routine. But then again, what's normal for us? Ha. We live anything but a "normal" life.
You see, Nic doesn't have a "normal" job. He doesn't go in at 8 and come home at 5. Although we have been blessed to have him on the day shift...he goes in at 6 and is off at 2. Yes, that does sound wonderful. Except it doesn't end there. He usually will work overtime and even at night. He works security at the bank on his days off. He has SWAT training once a month, on his day off. He carries a pager, just in case he has a call out. During the summer he spends hours at night riding a bike. He has court some days on his days off. He doesn't have a "normal" weekend. His weekend is during our week. And on those weekends he still works. No, his job is not "normal". Does he HAVE to do all of these EXTRA things? Not necessarily, but he does it because he loves his family. He loves us enough to work those extra hours so I can stay home with my babies. And for that, I am grateful. I am grateful that he sacrifices his time to financially support his family.
When you add the basketball season on top of that, you can only imagine how much I get to see my husband. He goes straight from work to practice and then gets home maybe an hour before the kids go to bed. Then he is up and at 'em at the butt crack of dawn and does it all over again...sometimes going from work to a game...and gets home around 10, sometimes later. As you can imagine, I think I almost had a complete melt down on Sunday morning when, after getting up barely being able to get ready because a 2 year old decided to wake up and want to be with her mama, racing around the house getting breakfast, juice, formula, getting kids dressed, changing them because of putting the outfit on backwards, putting on Hayden's shoes at least 3 times because she didn't want to leave yet, putting her coat on 2 times because she wasn't done playing, getting the kids in the car, going back in the house after realizing I had NO idea where Colt's car seat was (which was in his room), backing out of the house realizing I forgot my purse with all the diapers and cups and pacis in it, returning to the house, dropping the kids off at the of them throwing a fit, and then sitting down in my parenting class to finally breathe. Yes, I wanted to just melt down as I looked around the room and looked at the couples sitting side by side, hand in hand, while my husband was out protecting the county. That's when I knew for sure that "normal" wasn't part of my life.
All that to say, in a few short weeks we will be able to actually eat dinner together at a decent time and just relax in the evening...maybe:)
Please don't get me wrong...I am EXTREMELY proud of my husband and the job he has and I am not trying to complain of not having a "normal" life because that would just be boring, right? No, I don't always agree with his duties and sometimes just want to SCREAM at the department and ask them if they have a family of their own:) But I know this won't be forever.
Ok, that was a huge rambler...this is what we have been up to.
Tuesday night Nic had his last home game. Thursday we went to another basketball game, cause who wouldn't want to go to another basketball game that wasn't even to watch your husband coach? :) Wait...was that Thursday or Friday? I forget...oops.
Saturday I got to spend some time running around with Whit and then meeting up with the family for dinner...Sarah brought a guy home, which was huge because it is my little sister and huge because that guy is Whit's brother. The boys met us at my parents after work to eat. Everyone survived the almost didn't after getting "the eye", but that was quickly forgiven after 4 dozen roses! I even behaved...kinda. It was a blast though and it was just so wonderful to see my sister so happy.
This weekend I hosted a Cloth Diaper Party for Amber, a friend from college whose husband works with mine. She let me borrow a few different kinds of diapers to see if I would like using them. I LOVE THEM! When she first approached me about cloth diapers a couple months ago, I wanted to laugh and just say, "don't waste your time...I don't want anything to do with them." But then she told me how she uses them and how they are totally different from the way they used to be. I kind of then got a little week Nic and I met with her and her husband and she explained all about the new way of cloth diapering and I was instantly interested and wanted to try right away. After all, who wouldn't want to save money?! Anyways, I decided to do a party and invited some friends to hear about it from Amber. That was pretty exciting for me. After all, it goes hand in hand with my passion with Shaklee:) So far my favorite are the Fuzzibunz...and Hayden can't even take them off because they are snaps...hehe. I am excited to order our own and start using them regularly. Nic was VERY against it at first but after talking with Dustin he was more interested and is now on board!
Today I finally called the doctor to take Colton in. He has been struggling with ear infections for awhile and just can't get rid of it. He has been pulling his ear like crazy and even has scratches to prove it. He has been screaming during the night and nothing comforts him. It was time to call the doctor...again. SO I took him in, watched him take a TON of wax out of his ear (gross), and then listened as he announced that he has another ear infection. Poor little guy. So, another round of medicine here we come! Hopefully this time it works!
Tonight Nic and I were able to get out with Jas and Whit to the ND game while Starla watched the kids. It was nice to sit back and relax and just laugh with friends. I'm telling you...I think basketball is going to be part of my life for the rest of my would think I was used to it by now!
I am excited for March. I don't know where God will lead us, but I sure am excited! I am most excited to see my husband again!! WOOHOO!
Now that I have completely made no sense and have lost you, I am going to try to get some sleep!

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