Sunday, March 13, 2011

Big Girl Bed, ECITED and Dedication

Well...I guess it is that time that I have been dreading (a little). It is time to change Hayden's crib into a toddler bed. I know people start that a lot earlier than I have...but for me it gave me a safe place to put Hayden where I knew she couldn't get out. Guess what?! She can now! Yesterday was the first time that she had gotten out of the crib at my parent's when Kris went up to get her and to her surprise Hayden was standing in the doorway....we had a time to laugh about it but I thought it was a one time thing. when I heard her awake from her nap, I heard a knocking and went to see if she was ready to get out of her crib. When I opened the door, she was standing right there and just waved to me. Hmmm...I didn't even hear a crash or a noise as a sign of her climbing out of her crib! What a talented little girl we have :)
I knew this day would eventually come. However, it is kind of hard for me because it is just another way of telling me that my baby girl is growing up. I also know that lots of people have their toddler's in a big girl/boy bed A LOT sooner than Hayden, but I thought as long as she was safe and couldn't climb out that she was ok. Especially with having two young kids it was nice to know she couldn't get out when I needed her to stay put. Looks like we are going to be busy putting together a big girl bed tonight. *sigh*
This has been a very busy weekend! Yesterday I attended my second EXCITE training trip to Chicago. I always feel like a little kid excited for their birthday when it comes to these because it is a day that is full of AMAZING training and AMAZING people. It was such an awesome time to learn how to help people achieve their dreams as well as how to achieve our dreams as a family. It is a time to recharge and get pumped for our future. I was able to meet two awesome ladies, who are also Master Coordinators. To hear them SOOO excited about what they do and how they help others was so encouraging to me. Their knowledge in the business is incredible. They were very inspirational and I can't wait to share with other what they shared with me. They have such a passion to help others and to share with others what our products and opportunity have to offer them. I am so excited to share what I have learned with others.
Then today, bright and early, Nic and I dedicated our little Colton at church. Our church has partnered up with parents to bring up our children in the Lord's ways. We are definitely excited and encouraged to know that over the next 18 years we will not be alone in raising our children according to God's Word.
Only 6 more days until we leave for Aruba!! SOOO excited. Our suitcases are packed and ready to go!! Don't worry sun and warmth, I am COMING!

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