Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Seeing the light from sickness!

Is it just me or am I getting lazy with my blog writing? I think I am. I started this blog not as a way for people to look at me through a fish tank, but as a way for me to document our life's adventures and record events going on. I want to be able to have this so someday I can look back and remember what we have done as a family and the every day happenings that went on at home.
So...some of it may be boring, but like I said, this is my blog...don't read it if you are bored:) Anyways, I think we are finally coming out of this whole "sickness" stage with the kids and finally getting into our normal routine again. Colton continued to throw up all day Saturday and Sunday...and then had major blowouts all day yesterday. Thankfully he has been able to sleep a lot during the day. Unfortunately that makes for long nights. But, I just have to keep reminding myself this is a stage. One very positive thing that has come out of it is he has been falling asleep on my chest, which doesn't ever really happen. I love holding a sleeping baby...especially my sleeping baby:) He has also been able to stay a content, happy little boy despite the sickness that has taken over his body. He still wants to follow Sissy everywhere and laughs at her constantly.
Then there is little miss Hayden. She has been learning to test her limits and how to push my buttons...and let me tell ya...there have been A LOT of buttons in the past couple of days. She hasn't been as hyper lately, but she just has been ignoring my commands and doing her own thing. She has seen the time out chair frequently. On the other hand, at night she is all snuggles. She just wants to be close to Nic or me and wants to cuddle. I love her sweet voice as she says, "cuddle, mommy, cuddle." How could I NOT want to cuddle after that?! She has been talking A LOT over the past couple of days which has been a riot. I can't understand most of it, but I will take it! For some reason she is still not really sleeping through the night. She does occassionally but the last 2 of the 3 nights she has been awake for a couple hours straight in the middle of the night. I am not sure what is going on, but it makes for one tired momma. Maybe a growth spurt?? Her pants have been getting shorter and shorter and yesterday when I put on her pants, they were capris:)
We have had some BEAUTIFUL days lately and I am grateful for that. I can tell already that Hayden, Colt, and I will be outside EVERYDAY during the Spring and Summer. Hayden is such an outdoors girl and I love to watch her just run free and smile the whole time. Getting her inside is a different story!
I have been going into ECA the last couple of mornings to help with ISTEP testing. It is a bittersweet feeling. While I am in the building I truly miss the kids and the teaching, but once I am out of the building I know I am exactly where God wants me to be and I am thankful for that.
Nic has been working like a maniac, as usual. A security job has opened up for the past 2 weeks which has been a blessing in a financial aspect, but at the same time he is just running his body into the ground. Shaklee is doing well, and I am so thankful for God allowing that...we just need to get it really taking off so Nic doesn't have to do this anymore.
That's been really about it for the past couple of days. Oh...I did take the kids over to Tara's today after testing and let Hayden play with Alex, the little boy she watches. They were so cute together! I love this stage where she is actually interacting, even though neither one of them can be understood...I still think they have this understanding that only 2 year olds have! It was nice to just sit and chat with another human being that is my own age and not a toddler and infant!
Ok, the kids are sleeping so maybe I should get off this thing and just relax!

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