Monday, February 21, 2011

Colton is 10 months!

Dear Colton,
Today you are 10 months old. You are now in the double digits for months. Why are you growing so fast?
This month has been a really fun month to watch you grow. You are "real" crawling now!! And man do you move...FAST! But of course you have to keep up with your sister. You still follow her everywhere and just adore her so much...even when she is falling off the couch on top of you. You giggle at her all the time. I love listening to you 2 in the car because with you facing opposite directions, she makes faces at you and you laugh SO hard! Your laugh is very contagious! I can't help but laugh to myself. Sometimes I don't know how you put up with her! She is going to make you into a tough guy, that's for sure! When she puts you in a head lock, you just smile and giggle! When she tackles you or pulls off your diaper, you take it all in. You are starting to be more want to hold your bottle by yourself and only like to be held for a couple of minutes. You love to wonder through the house for hours and are quite content. You go from the playroom to Hayden's room to your room. Your favorite thing to play with is a basketball and you throw it up and chase it! You love to pull yourself up on everything and anything. You are small, but you sure are mighty! You don't like to miss a thing. You are still the little charmer you've always been, which makes me VERY nervous for the years to come:)
You still are nursing during the night. You go to bed around 8 pm and sleep through until 5:30 and eat and go to sleep until 7:30. Some nights however, you like to snuggle around 3. You still love to nurse during those early hours. You are taking 1 really good nap a day, usually around the time Hayden does. Occasionally you will take an extra one in the morning...but it tends to be short.
You have spoken your first word this month-"uh-oh" is sooo funny! You still have 6 teeth, although I think 2 more are trying to come through on the bottom. You are still fighting that darn ear infection and are on your second antibiotic. Bless your heart. But you still laugh and smile through it all. You still LOVE table food more than baby food and love noodles, green beans, mashed potatoes, squash, bread, and many others...but you love bananas and other fruits best.
Colt, you bring such joy to my life. I couldn't imagine life without you. You bring a smile to my face the INSTANT I think about you or see you. You are a happy baby. I can already tell you have a big heart. You are a handsome little guy and I just can't get enough of you. I continue to pray for you everyday and I know God has such a special plan for your life!
I love you my sweet boy!
Love you always,

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