Friday, October 15, 2010

Catching My Breath

After a week of feeling like I couldn’t sit still long enough to catch my breath because of running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to look for my patience. I just couldn’t find it. I found it yesterday around 3:30 when my baby sister pulled into our driveway. She is on fall break from college, which means this is the first time being home since she left 7 weeks ago. Just sitting with her for the little time she was at my house, I felt a breath of fresh air. All the anxiety that was building up from the week from being trapped in the house was released! Maybe it was because I was talking to an actual adult and not four children under the age of two! Anyways, back to Sarah…can I just say, “OH MY GOODNESS”?? She looked so grown up. It was weird to sit there and talk to her about college when I remember helping her with her homework when she was like 10. We talked for awhile and then she went to be with mom.

Later that evening, the kids and I went to my parents to spend some more time with her. It was soooo good to just sit and hear about her new life and all the awesome times she is already having…I feel like a proud momma!

Today didn’t go quite as I thought…which is not a bad thing…just different. I planned to go back to my parent’s house where BOTH my sisters were going to be AFTER Hayden and Colt took naps. During their naptime I had a whole plan to clean the house. I don’t get to do that much during the week so I thought it would be the perfect time. Let me tell ya…there was not much cleaning or napping. Hayden was in her crib for an hour just talking to herself, which then turned into SCREAMING!! She hasn’t done this since she was about 9 months old. She always goes down…not today. I think it might be from last night’s events…could be wrong, but just a guess. My poor baby girl…it was like she was afraid to fall asleep. Ok, back to the day. While she was in her crib determined to stay awake, I tried my best to get Bubby to take a little nap, which was also unsuccessful. Instead, I snuggled with my 2 babies while both of them just relaxed in my arms. Not what I had planned…but it was way more enjoyable than cleaning. I think God knew I needed this time with just my babies. My heart was satisfied. I did manage to get a couple of loads of laundry done…with the help of my almost 2-year-old…oh how she brings joy to my heart! After admitting to myself there was going to be no nap or cleaning, we headed back to my parent’s house and spent the evening with Kris, Sarah, and mom. I absolutely love having my sisters home!! Tomorrow Nic, me (and Colt), Sarah, and her roommate are going to the ND game!!! SOOO EXCITED! Then we are going to celebrate Hayden’s birthday with my side of the family since Kris and Sarah are here…nothing big…but something that we could all be together for.

Oh and by the way…I know that Hayden and Colt will kill me one day when they read this…but we have a situation…she has found a fascination in her little brother’s boy part. Every stinkin’ time I turned around yesterday, his pants were off, his diaper was off, and she was just staring. My poor boy is going to be scarred! I talked to her about it and then started disciplining her…yeah that didn’t do a darn thing. No matter what I did, she still went ahead and did it. Spankings, timeouts…NOTHING WORKED. I was so upset to my stomach because I remember as a child I was like that and remember my thought process…crap…I have a daughter just like me. I remember as a child being spanked by my mother and laughing and running around the house. I also remember finishing counting to 3 for my father. I am very scared for the future!

Good Night!

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