The following was written on Friday, October 8:
Today is a very special person’s birthday. She has been my number 1 fan since I was born. She has always stood up for me, always loved me, always encouraged me, and always inspired me. She brings a smile to my face every time I think of her, see her, and talk to her. She is my grandma. My sweet gram-gram. My friend. I can still remember as a child how she would always stand on my side (even when she shouldn’t have). She was and is very protective of me and my siblings. I can always count on her to listen to my woes and then make me laugh about my woes. Whenever I go to her house, I can always count on her to make me gain 5 pounds within one visit. She is an amazing woman. Anyone who meets her loves her immediately. So, happy birthday Grandma!!!
Last night we got to celebrate her birthday at my parents’ with some Olive Garden. I cherish every moment with my grandparents and am so thankful that God has allowed us to have the relationship we have. I sat back and just watched everyone interact and was reminded yet again how blessed I am.
Today my mom, the kids, and I headed to Ohio for a baby shower. This is a special shower because it is for a special woman. Our families have grown up together and have use to go on yearly vacations to Hilton Head together. There are 7 of us kids between the 2 families. Four of us are now married, one engaged, three with kids, and one pregnant. Although we all live different places now (California, Texas, Chicago, Indiana, Ohio, and Arizona), we still manage to see each other, not all at once, put as many of us possible at weddings, wedding showers, graduations, and baby showers. And although we all live busy lives, we still some how find a way to reconnect, which has been very special. We are known to do our trademark picture every time we can, which is our staircase picture. We all line up from oldest to youngest-Kristen, Adam, Lindsay, Me, Matt, Kristen, and Sarah. It used to really look like a staircase…ok…well, that only lasted for a couple years until I got passed up by both Matt and Kristen and now Sarah. Thanks. Anyways, we have always had a great time together playing hide-and-seek, pretend weddings, video games, watching movies, and laughing until our stomachs hurt. There are so many memories that are in my heart with the Sivards. I hope and pray that my kids will have memories like these to hold on to and smile back on. Even though we carry on with our separate lives, we always reconnect and it’s like we start where we left off. So…back to the beginning of this story, we are here in Ohio for Kristen’s baby shower. She is the oldest of the 7 and the leader. I always thought we were alike in a lot of ways…both brown hair, both teachers, both LOUD, both crazy, and so on. I always looked up to her and Lindsay both. I remember thinking I wanted to be just like them when I was younger. We got to stop over there this evening after Kristen (my sister) met us at the hotel. Lindsay’s little boy, Sam, and Hayden played very well together. They were hilarious together! I can already see the next generation beginning their friendship.
Today went by in a flash. We had a lazy morning in the hotel after another sleepless night thanks to Mr. Cole Bob himself. We all took our time getting ready and then headed to the lobby for some breakfast. Hayden flirted with the workers as usual by batting her big brown eyes and saying, “hi!” to everyone that looked at her. After we got back in the room we still had time to kill so we let Hayden entertain us by dancing to Kristen’s music. We were laughing so hard that we had tears streaming down our face. I have to admit…the girl does have some rhythm! I haven’t laughed that hard for a long time. She got her little knees bending up and down and her little pointer fingers waving through the air as she jumped around in circles with her squeaker shoes. After we lost about a million calories thanks to laughing, we headed over to the Sivards for the shower. When we got there we were excited to see that Matt and his fiancĂ©, Kate, were there as well! Kate is the next person to join our little cult and we are so excited for another shower and wedding to come! Although we were missing siblings and spouses, we still had a FANTASTIC day with each other. Kristen got so many wonderful gifts and is now ready for her little girl to enter the world! Well, she has to wait until her daddy comes back! Of course, our time went by way too fast…and before we knew it the kids were packed up in the car and we were hugging each other as we set off back to Indiana. And now I am sitting here in my living room wishing we could have spent more time with each other. Oh well…until next shower!
Kristen, Lindsay (and Sam), Me (and Colt), Kate (the soon to be Sivard), Kristen (and Hayden)
Then we added Matt
While I was in Ohio, Nic was in charge of our first vendor/auction even with Shaklee. He said that it went great and he was excited for what’s to come. Since this was our first event, we weren’t sure what to expect. But thanks to Suzanne, Kara, and Kyle, the whole thing was a success.
Wow…it’s only Saturday!
Ok, it’s official…I am just going to be a zombie for the next couple of years. Why does he not sleep…why??????????? I’m tired.
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