Can you believe that October is already HALF over? That is just down right crazy to me. God has been working in amazing ways this month and Nic and I are so thankful. Each day brings something new and we are so thankful that we serve a faithful God.
In my last blog, I told how Sarah was home on Fall Break and that Kristen was coming home as well! I am telling you, I was in heaven…the only thing that could have made it any better is if my brother, sister-in-law and niece were with us…which by the way…they are coming in NOVEMBER!!!!!!!! Can you tell I am a little excited?!?!?!?! Ok, back to the weekend. My dad had gotten 4 tickets to the Notre Dame game on Saturday, so Nic, Sarah, Megan (Sarah’s roommate), and I (and Colt) went. It was Colton’s first game! He did such an awesome job, as always. Seriously, what an amazing little boy I have. It was the perfect day outside, not a cloud in sight. I take that back…not until the end of the game, where out of nowhere quarter-size rain drops came crashing down to the earth. Awesome. Needless to saw, we left then.
When we got back to my parent’s house, we celebrated Hayden’s birthday since both my sisters were home. Grandma and Grandpa came as well. I cannot believe we were seriously celebrating my baby girl’s SECOND birthday. She had a BLAST! Ok, to be by mom and dad’s daughter is AWESOME….but to be their grandchild…WOW. Spoiled to the max!!

We had a magnificent weekend, but unfortunately Mr. Colt got his first cold. Bless his heart. So stuffy and just very clingy…more than usual anyways! I forgot that you can’t do much for them at that age…he did sleep in his swing for a couple of nights. Let me re-phrase that…he sat in his swing at night. Still not sleeping the best at all. I am one tired momma. Oh well…I have to keep reminding myself that this is just a part of life and it won’t last long…hopefully.
As for this week…Monday Nic worked in the morning and then spent the rest of the time with us…I was in heaven once again. We don’t get to spend a whole lot of time as us four because of all the hours he is working right now (again, I have to remind myself this is just a moment in life that won’t last long). We laughed a lot and just had a great day as a family. He had to work at midnight till 7 and then SWAT training Tuesday all day so he pretty much crashed when he got home yesterday. Poor guy. All I know is I am so thankful for such a hard-working husband. Last night was our Shaklee meeting and I am telling you...I look so forward to Tuesday nights because of how encouraging they are. Suzanne talked about the “ladder of health” and how we have a choice of which way we want to go on the ladder. We have a choice if we want to live a healthy lifestyle or not. All I know is…I need to get myself going the right direction. Not only me, but my whole family.
Today Nic and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch and met my parents there. Hayden was loving every second of it. She could have cared less for the pumpkins…she wanted to stay by the donkey and goats…ha. She also loved running up and down the little aisles of pumpkins and the HUGE tractors! I think she would live outside if we would let her. Bubby was a little overwhelmed and wanted to eat the hay more than anything. He just watched his sister and was Mr. Cool. All-in-all…GREAT DAY!!
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