Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Precious Sleep

Get ready to hear this! This is some exciting news ( me)!
My little boy, Mr. Colton, the precious baby boy that has not slept for what seems like his whole 6-month life...has been sleeping from 9pm-1am and then 1am to 5am and then until 7:30. Can I just say that this has been such an answer to prayer?! Not only an answer to prayer but a complete blessing. I know that to some of you this isn't that big of a deal...but it sure is to me! Not only has he been sleeping so much better...but he has been sleeping in his own bed for the whole night. I finally started putting him on his stomach and I think that is really helping. He does cry when I put him in the crib...but only for about 5-10 minutes. So, please pray that this little habit continues. Oh, and he is also rolling all over now and ends up on the other side of the room within minutes! I think he is liking the whole moving around thing! I still can't get over how much he is changing and how big he is getting. Just thought I would share:)

1 comment:

Ash said...

So glad he is getting the hang of the sleeping thing for ya.