Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Catching Up

Fall Break has come and gone...it was a wonderful 4 days at home with my family. The best part of the break was that we didn't really even do that much:) It was wonderful. It was fast. We did, however, celebrate Hayden's third birthday (for the second weekend in a row) on her actual birthday.

 We let her go pick some things out at the store with her b-day money...and she chose the above:)
 Bubby wasn't thrilled

 This is me not having a daughter that would cooperate:)

Seriously can't believe that she is 3 already. It seems like she has just grown so much in the past couple of months.

Even though we had a relaxing weekend, it didn't end quite the way we thought it would. Nic and I were so proud that we got the kids to bed early Sunday night and then got ourselves into bed at a decent time for once. I thought to myself, "wow, we are starting off the week with a good night's sleep." WRONG. Not 30 minutes after we got to bed did we hear a sounds that isn't pleasant. It was the sound of our 3 year old puking ALL OVER HER ROOM. And friends, this is no 'spit up' anymore. I am SO thankful that Nic was home. He took over like a champ when I almost got sick myself by just the smell. I know, I know...this isn't all that fun to read:) So as he cleaned up, I got Hayden into the bath. That was only the beginning of the night. Our "early" night turned into the longest night that I can remember. Again, I can't thank God enough for the husband he gave me. We both were out on the couch with Hayden until about 1:30 when Hayden FINALLY stopped getting sick and fell asleep for good. Nic timed how long it was in between her getting sick. It was 15 minutes...on the dot...every.single.time. I know you wanted that detail:)
Nic decided he would stay home with her in case she needed to go to the doctor. I am telling you, whatta dad. He not only took care of both the kids ALL day, he did laundry AND cleaned the house.
Yesterday was Halloween, of course. We were supposed to go with our best friends and take our kids around together, but because 2 of the 4 kids were sick, we decided it wouldn't be the best idea. So, after dinner, we thought we could still dress Bubby up and walk him to a couple of houses. When Hayden saw him dressing up, she wanted to too. She was supposed to go as Minnie Mouse, but she wanted to go as Tigger instead since it would be warmer....and it had a "head". She was feeling a little better, so we thought it couldn't hurt. We only stayed out for about 15-20 minutes, but the kids loved it. They walked up to the doors and thought it was the coolest thing ever. The pictures below aren't the greatest, but you get the picture:)

Happy November!!

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