Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog Block...again

I gotta be honest...I am finding it harder and harder to figure out what to blog about. I think my thoughts go in and out of my head as fast as I can blink:) I think it is just the lack of time to actually sit my booty down and just be left alone with my thoughts?! Ha...alone...I wonder what that means:) I don't have much time to myself, and therefore don't have the time I used to to just blog.
Soooo...because I have nothing really interesting to tell ya, here are some things we have been up to:
*We finally saw the doctor and have talked about possibilities to Hayden's accidents. Praise the Lord there is no infection, just needs some medicine to clear her out:) She is now 38 inches (75%) and 31 pounds (50%). The nurse even took her blood pressure (something they start at three years of age) which was normal. She sat very still as the doctor examined her. I was so proud of her! The doctor said she looked perfect and is growing beautifully! I walked away thanking God for her health and growth.
*I think we are finally over all the sickness...PRAISE THE LORD! The kids are back to themselves, which makes my heart happy. I have never seen these kids that sick before and it completely broke my heart. I did like all the cuddling though!!

*Nic and I have joined a gym...hehe. Time to get my booty into shape! I have to admit, I really enjoy working out WITH Nic. We took our first cycling class...oh dear...I am pretty sure if there were cameras in there someone could turn the video in for America's Funniest Videos. BUT, we will improve! Cause I am telling you right now, there is no way we could do any worse! (I am pretty sure I mentioned this in the last post, but I am pretty sure I am too lazy to check!)
*It is getting dark here VERY early. I swear it is 9:30 when it is only 5:30! Thankfully, the kids are finally adjusting to the time change and are back to sleeping a normal schedule.
*We had our first snow of the year....very mixed emotions. The kids at school were SO excited and I LOVED watching their eyes light up! It was even better watching my own kids running around and trying to eat the snow:) Hayden kept saying, "I wanna eat the snow, mom." Oh to be a kid again:) Wait, who am I kidding, I still like eating the snow too:) Of course the clean snow.

*Nic has been home a lot more since soccer and football are over...and I LOVE it!
*I have been really trying not to struggle about the fact I keep getting invites for play dates and other things of the is still a sore subject for me. But, I am thankful for God placing me in a work environment that I enjoy. I pray every day that God will use me in a way that would please Him and use me in a way that would make a difference in the students that I come in contact with. But it still stings when I know that I won't be able to participate with different things that I would be able to if I were still at home.
*Our house smells like Christmas right now. I love, love, love it. I seriously cannot wait until the day we get to decorate for Christmas....and listen to Christmas music:)
*I get to see my sisters in a couple of weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving. We get to be surrounded by family and I am stoked. SOOOO much to be thankful for! Oh, and my mouth is watering already!
*I stayed up until 1:30 last night...well...this morning. Latest I have been up for a long time. And I blame Tara Spivey for it:) J/K...Nic was working so I packed up the kids and camped out at her house and helped her get ready for her booth at the Farmer's Market. Ok, ok, so maybe I distracted a little more than helped but was a good time.
*This little bullet is a little random, but tonight we had some friends over and we stopped and got pizza. Nic came out of with pizza to which Hayden said, "you got 4 pizzas, dad." Nic and I stopped what we were doing and just looked at each other. Folks, she can't tell you she is 3, but she can count the number of pizza boxes. And yes, there were four boxes:) Made us laugh.
*Hayden is back to not sleeping in her room. She has been sleeping on the couch. It is not our room and she is sleeping, so I guess that's ok?
In case you were wondering, I have been jotting down the things I am thankful for, so here is the updated list. I know, I were worried:)
Thursday: Today I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that they see my faults and insecurities and love me anyways. I am thankful for the laughs, the tears, and everything in between.
Friday: Today I am thankful for Pay Day. I am thankful for God providing. I am also thankful for all the sinkin' food that people bring in on these days. Doesn't help with the whole 'losing weight' thing, but it sure is good.
Saturday: Today I am thankful for my siblings and sibling-in-laws. I am thankful for unbreakable friendship. I am thankful for God blessing me with such amazing siblings. I miss them greatly and wish we were all in the same area again. They are my bestest friends in the universe:)

Isn't God good? Yes, yes He is:)

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