Friday, November 4, 2011

Loving and Learning

Things I have been loving recently...
*The way Colton puts his arm around my neck so he can get even closer to me
*Pay-day breakfast at school-seriously AMAZING!
*The way Hayden runs as fast as she can and climbs up on the counter when I say, "It's bake night!"
*Colt running into my arms when I walk into the door
*Watching movies with Nic when the kids go to bed
*Waking up only to realize I can sleep for another hour:)
*The way Hayden and Colt are becoming great friends...well...besides when he full on tackles her
*The thought of the Thanksgiving and Christmas season coming up
*Watching Colt and Nic play catch EVERY day after work for 30 minutes straight
*Watching Friends on the computer while Nic watches his sports
*How loud our family dinners are:)
*The way Colt is always asking, "Where daddy go?"
*How cuddly Hayden has been recently...doesn't happen often
*The way Colt shows off to people by being a complete ham

*Jean Fridays at school
*Evening time with Hayden...she loves the one-on-one attention
*Having a daily routine

Those are just some of the things that have had my heart smiling recently. There are many more, but we would be here all night:)
Tonight Nic had to do security at the football game, so it was just me and my babies. After throwing all the different balls back and forth with Colt, chasing him all around the house just to hear him giggle, snuggling with Hayden, putting Colt down for bed, I got out some paper and markers for Hayden. She is such a busy little bee that when I try to do anything academic, she totally ignores me and goes about her business. She is just not interested. It makes me laugh sometimes at the fact that I taught 3 years and am back in the schools that I can not get my daughter to want to start learning letters, or learn anything that has to do with colors, numbers, etc...  So I thought maybe if I had glue (which she never gets to use) I could coax her to learn as she does a craft with the glue. Worked like magic! We worked on the letter 'A' and then she wanted to do 'B'.

So proud of my little girl! She enjoyed it so much:)

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