Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Moments like these...

Tonight I had one of those moments...one of those moments that take my breath away...one of those moments that I just want to pause and remember that feeling forever. Hayden and I have been forming our own little routines, if you would say. I am really loving this stage that she is in because it is like she is my little friend. Yes, there are fits, but then there are those times that you just can't believe that she is a little person because her heart is so big. One of our special routines is we have been popping popcorn and then cuddling on the couch to watch Dancing with the Stars (don't judge me...she loves it). Tonight we were getting all ready and of course, she gets really excited to do this, she looks up at me and says, "I like this, momma."Man, talk about a precious moment. "I do too, sweetie, I do too." We continue to snuggle and laugh together while we eat. She of course holds the popcorn, allowing me to have one piece at a time. I just breathe in the moment.
Then, as we watch our show, she looks at me with questioning eyes and says, "mom, that's my dress." She points to the dancer on the screen and I have NO idea what she is talking about. She then gets up, goes into her play room, and comes out looking like this: (for some reason my computer won't let me rotate the pic:( )

I love this little girl more than words can say...or write:) 

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