Saturday, November 5, 2011

Giving Thanks

As we all know, it is NOVEMBER. It is my favorite time of the year by far. Leaves are falling, the pumpkin spice and Christmas tree scents are out, sweaters are being pulled out as well as boots, Christmas songs are playing on the radio (even in the grocery store), and everyone is just in a jolly mood all around.
But the biggest reason I look forward to these next 2 months is because I know it I will be surrounded by family. I know that my sisters will be coming home and we will be able to talk, laugh, play games, watch movies, etc...(Adam and Jamie...this is me BEGGING you to come home!!!). I have said it time and time again, my family members are truly my best friends. It kills me that they aren't like 20 minutes from me anymore. Anyways, back to the whole time of year thing. 
Thanksgiving is coming up this month. As I look over this past year, there are more reasons than I can count to be thankful to God.  
As Colton was laying in my arms tonight after being sick all evening, I kept staring at his precious face. I took turns watching him sleep (and throw up...but we don't need to go there) and watching Hayden as she played on the floor. I couldn't help but truly feel thankful and overwhelmed for what God has entrusted me with. Sometimes it hurts so much to think about the love I have for my children. If you are a parent, you know the feeling. Now that my babies aren't so much 'babies' anymore, I often miss just holding them. Not just holding them to walk in and out of the store, but actually hold them in my really wrap may arms around them and just love on them. If you know my children, you know they do not sit all. This past week Hayden had the flu...and unfortunately Colt caught it and is now sick. It is such an awful feeling to watch my children so sick, not being able to do a thing for them. But out of all this sickness, this momma got to hold her children again like when they were babies. I got to care for them and rub their backs and sing "Jesus Loves Me" a million times until their eyelids closed. I got to breathe in their scents. I got to rock them and feel their heat against my skin. Even after they were asleep for some time, I still just held them. I felt needed. I felt my arms full again. I felt blessed.   
Today, I am thankful for the opportunity to hold my children in my arms. 

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