Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Week at the Lake

As I sit here, I cannot believe the one week that I have been waiting for a long time is already over. I won't bore you with all the details so I will just a quick rundown of the week at the lake:
1. As mentioned in last post, both children broke out in Rosiola (still don't know how to spell it). This made for a miserable couple of days for them in which I felt like crying with them (I hate when they don't feel good). They spots are almost gone now and I feel that it is all over with. I even brought the kids home one night since they weren't sleeping good and Hayden and I slept for 12 hours and Colt slept for 14 hours:) Needless to say, the next day was very much enjoyable!
 Her poor little face got it bad:(

You can kind of see the spots on Colt's back
2. We had lots of visitors up that included Tara and Steve, Taryn and Reagan, Grandma, some of Kristen's friends and lots of Sarah's friends.

This pic makes me smile because Colt was totally Rex's buddy
3. It was gorgeous every single day except today, when it decided to be poopy...but we DID get in a lot of tubing this morning.
4. Lots and lots of tubing, wave runners, and laying out on the rafts...the first 2 resulted in complete soreness that I haven't experienced in a LONG time which confirmed that I really am getting older. But it was too much fun to stop! (Pictures will be added soon...they are on Sarah's camera!)

5. Campfires...well...little smoke pile:) It was great for s'more making though!
6. Lots of games of Skip-Bo...SOOO much fun! (except when I am losing terribly)
 Allison didn't feel like smiling:)

7. Movies almost every night with the family.
8. Lots of food and laughter.
9. Evening ride on the pontoon...the neighbors were even nice enough to shoot off fireworks for us!

Hayden doesn't do well with flashes:)
10. Lots of time just playing around the yard and in the water!
 Believe it or not, Hayden was NOT mad in this pic...this is how she says "cheese":) Oh, and she absolutely adores her auntie Tissy

 Hayden wanted to wear mommy's suit

 It was so neat to see my two babies interact this week...SOO sweet!

11. Nic had his first full week at his "new"job and absolutely loves it. It makes me smile listening him talk about it:) Also, his new office is HUGE! I am trying to talk him into letting me decorate it!
THANKS MOM AND DAD FOR MAKING THIS A MEMORABLE WEEK (even though ALL the memories weren't too good:))

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