Rundown of the week...
1. Lots of playing outside thanks to the cooler weather. Played with chalk, played down by the creek, played on the slip n' slide, played in the toy cars, played with rocks, played with water, and even tried playing with play-doh with 7 children outside. Probably not the best idea that I ever had.
2. Built a "pillow floor" in which we gathered EVERY pillow in the house and put them on the floor, covered them with blankets, and then jumped from the couch onto the OF COURSE! Bad habit forming? MAYBE! Oh well, it was worth it to see Hayden teach Colt how to jump. Well, he got the whole standing thing down and the whole falling thing down, just not the jumping part:) Needless to say, we have to watch him every.single.time he is on the couch...or he just belly flops to the floor...oops.
3. Watched Nic play softball with Jas as Whit and I ate ice cream with the kids. And then of course got a stuck in a downpour in which Whit was with 2-2 year olds who weren't so happy about it. I found that it is not easy and quick to pack 2 kids, a diaper bag, balls, a double stroller, and other items into the car without getting soaked. It makes me laugh to look back on it...ha.
4. Hayden learned the song, "Clean up, Clean up" know, the one from Barney. The best part is, she actually CLEANS up when she is singing it! She cleaned up ever block, lego, stuffed animal, and dinosaur all by her lonesome while she sang the song today. It was a beautiful sight:)
5. Colton has learned how to say "cheese" while smiling into a camera. It sounds more like "eese" but still cut none the less. BUT you have to have a phone or a camera while asking him to say "cheese" or he knows it isn't real:)
6. I decided since I couldn't take 4 kids to the Salon to get our hair done and mani's and pedi's, that I would bring it to our house...complete with hair brushes, all sorts of clips, hair bands, nail polish, hand messages with lotion, a bowl of warm water (because that is what they have at the real places, although I am not sure why), nail clippers (although for some reason none of the girls liked that part), the thingy that cleans under nails (also not a big fan pleaser). The girls loved it, I loved it, my scalp didn't. The best part of this was when I got all done with Reagan's nails and did the whole sha-bang, I asked her why she was just staring at her nails. She then goes on to tell me, "Well, I don't like nail polish." Me-"why did you have me paint your nails then and not tell me to?" R (with a weird look on her face)-"I was bored". Awesome.
7. Nic started Insanity this week. I must admit...I am extremely proud of him. He is doing a great job. The only problem with this is, he does it when Colt and Hayden are around so they end up hanging all over him which results in tripping and colliding...yikes.
8. Hayden has finally learned how to peddle her bike. She loves it!
9. I realized that some days I feel like I should be wearing a black and white shirt with a whistle around my neck.
10. Spent time at the good ol' parents' house.
11. Learned that my daughter can tell us how to get home from my parent's house...she knew where to tell us to turn. Weird. She even told me how to get home from McDonald's after we treated ourselves to ice cream thanks to Reagan's birthday. She was upset because I went right instead of left. I hate turning left out of places so I turned right and went the back roads. She didn't like that at ALL.
12. Hayden is having a hard time sleeping in her room due to "the sounds" in the corner of her room. Creepy? Totally. So we are trying to figure out what is going on there. She told my parents that she "cies (cries) at night and mommy has to come get me. I wash (watch) Mickey Mouse so I don't hear the sounds." Not cool one bit.
13. Nic worked tonight so I watched a movie with Tara and Steve. I am pretty sure Steve wanted to punch us girls in the face for talking so much:) hehe.
14. Tried a new kind of wine this week which was SUPER amazing, because, well I only like one kind of wine...but I forget what it is called.
15. I haven't been able to fall asleep at night. Like at all. Thus I turn to my friend....the good ole' blog. It seems that after I spill my guts to my faithful blog, I am tired enough to close my eyes.
16. Remember back when there were good shows on? Wholesome, funny, appropriate shows where parents loved their children and even their spouses? You know, Full House, Family Matters? Well, Sarah found Boy Meets World and got 5 seasons of the show. She has let me borrow some so when I need some sound on in the background or can't sleep, like right now, I just turn it on. I love that show:)
17. Nic and I took the 4 kids to Ox Bow Park for the first time this summer. We packed a lunch and ate it by a playground. The kids loved running around and going down the big slides. We then walked over to the "canoe launch" where we allowed the children to splash around for a bit...even though the sign said 'NO SWIMMING'. But technically, they weren't swimming, they were just splashing around. Hayden learned how to go to the bathroom in the woods. I am pretty sure we should have been kicked out of the park...we are such rebels. The only problem with teaching her this is- later that evening while we were outside in the back yard she told us that she had to go potty. We told her to go inside and go. Instead, she promptly started taking off her shorts and squatting...she just assumed she should go outside again. Again...bad habit? By the way, this should be like number 11, but I don't feel like changing all the numbers. I'm lazy.
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