Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One of THOSE days

Is it bedtime yet? The clock is telling me one thing and my children are telling me a different thing. Wowzers has it just been "one of those days!" Not a bad day, or a pull-out-my-hair day....just one-of-those-days.
You know, the kind where your child cries for her daddy, grandma, and even her aunt all morning...forgetting that you have been with her the last 48 hours straight and taking care of her every need being her playmate.
OR the kind where your son thinks he is helping you by "sweeping" with the broom, but in all reality he is hitting his sister with his every move because it is about 3 feet taller than him and knocking over anything that is on a desk, table, or end table that he goes by.
OR the kind where your daughter comes in looking so proud saying, "mom, I peed o'er there!" while pointing to the bathroom and when you go look you almost fall on your butt because she meant "over there on the floor" and now she has created a slip-in-slide in the hallway.
OR the kind where your dog thinks it would make your day by taking a squat on your just-shampooed carpet after being outside for about an hour...seriously?
OR the kind where you make your CLEAN bed and can't figure out why there are chocolate handprints all over the side of the bedspread but then find your son with an Oreo in his hand.
OR the kind where you are SO proud of yourself for making a new recipe for dinner, only to find out that you forgot the 3 cloves of garlic that took you 15 minutes to mince is sitting on the counter and your chicken is already in the oven.
OR the kind where you are so busy typing this blog post and look up to see this...

Although it was "one of those" days, I am thankful for every second I got to spend with my babies and wouldn't trade a second of it:)
Here is something to make you smile:

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh my word, Tori, they are so adorable!! It's nice to know that others have those kinda days, too!