Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Park, A Meal, and A Lawn

Boy, today was quite a day. Not because it was busy busy busy, but it was just...a day. A good day, a crazy day, a day of a first (I will get back to that later).
Last night Nic, the kids, and I went to Chili's with my parents and Sarah for our last dinner together before she leaves us for After dinner, which, I have decided I am no longer going out to eat with both kids until they are 10 years old, Sarah came back to our house and spent the night. I am going to miss that.
Anyways, my kids so happily woke their Aunt Rara up by being their loud selves. I think she wasn't ready to get up:) But, we got ready and parted ways as Rara went home and the kids and I headed to Tara's house. We were wanting to take all four kids somewhere fun, and of course, free. The Splash Park thingy in Elkhart doesn't open until 1 pm, so we decided to do something in Mishawaka. As we were driving, we came across a little water splash thing next to Twin Branch. It was a great little park containing the splash pad, picnic tables, and a little playground. Lemme tell ya, the kids LOVED the water!! I couldn't believe how Colton and Hayden were jumping through the water like they did. I think since they watched Alex enjoying it so much, they knew they would be just fine! Hannah wasn't sure about it at first, but she eventually warmed up. She never cried or anything, she just kept walking away, which was cracking me up! After awhile, we ate our little packed lunches and played on the playground for a little bit before returning to the water. The kids were all perfect and it was just the perfect early afternoon activity. The best part was that it wore the kids out and had a GREAT, LONG nap! (I have little videos, but the recorder thing is in the car and Nic took the car.
I knew things had to get done, like the never ending laundry and dishes, so I did one load and then the dishes (I REALLY miss my REALLY!!!). While waiting for the laundry to get done, I decided that I was going to try to do YOGA...this is where you can laugh at me. I honestly wish I could have video taped me doing this because I will tell ya this, I was NOT made to do yoga. I think I was falling on the ground more than being in one of those the upward dog and downward dog, and those other funny names. After about 25 minutes of that, I was done, done, done. Especially after I did something to the muscle behind my leg. Ha. Let's just say I am in a lot of pain right now:)
When the kids woke up, we played, read books, chased each other around the house, of course had to drag all toys out of the playroom and throw them throughout the house, and played some more.
Now, this next little blabbling part is something I have been thinking about doing for a long time. It has taken planning, research, and just a lot of time. A long time ago, I read one of my friend's blogs about freezer cooking. She made meals for a whole month and then would freeze them. I always thought that was such a great idea, but didn't think I would ever have the dedication. Plus, I don't know how to cook a whole lot of meals. But, the more I have been thinking about it, the more I have come to want to do it more and more.
Soooo...the past couple of weeks I have been researching how to freeze different kinds of foods and what foods freeze the best. I also researched different websites with freezer cooking recipes. Of course, I had to find the easiest recipes that consisted of simple ingredients:) Cause that's how I roll! I came across this awesome website where I got most of my recipes. I also got a lot of recipes from Kelsey's blog from above.
Ok, so back to my point, I knew that I wasn't going to get a WHOLE day to cook like most people advise, so I thought I would split it up. Tonight I started making some meals to freeze while making dinner as well. Of course, I had the help of my kiddos so it was quite the task. BUT I did get 2 meals done and put one in the freezer and one in the fridge for tomorrow night. I know, I know, nowhere near the whole months worth of meals...oh well!
Nic was finally home in time for dinner. We ate, and then he left again for softball games. And that is when I looked at my kitchen. Seriously? All that for about 15 minutes? At this point, I am almost in tears missing my dishwasher again. Oh well! So as I hosed my kids down from dinner and cleaned all the dishes, we headed for the bath....because...well...Colton was covered in his meal:)
Colt went down pretty early, so Hayden and I went outside and I thought I would do something I have never done before...mow the lawn. Wait, I have mowed before, when I was younger. It was my first and last time because my dad didn't like the designs in the yard. Anyways, the yard was starting to look like a jungle and I knew Nic wouldn't be able to do it tomorrow or during the weekend, so I thought I would give it a whirl. Not only am I sitting here with a hurting leg, but my shoulders hurt, my elbow hurts, and I have blisters on my hand. Wanna know why??? I didn't know until I was halfway done that there was a lever I could pull where it became self-propelled. I know, I am retarded. But hey, the yard is done, not very straight, but it is done.
That, my friends, is a huge accomplishment for me:)
Ok, now that I went on and on, I must go to sleep. I might be sore tomorrow:)

1 comment:

Lindsay Hunniford said...

I am all about freezer cooking, I'm working on a plan for a month of meals for when baby #2 arrives. I am not, however, interested in mowing the lawn. Ever. I give you credit for that one!