Monday, August 29, 2011

A Perfect Sunday

So, last night before I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I couldn't help but thank God over and OVER for the blessings he has placed in our lives. Yesterday was just one of those days that was just "perfect". Not because of anything huge happening, but just because we were together as a whole family. So, this, my friends, is what my perfect Sunday consisted of:
Going to a family:) Our church has started Life Groups, and ours meets at 10:30. So...we go to first service and then our group. I was SO nervous how the kids would handle this change...usually they start the meltdowns RIGHT after the service while we are walking out the door. Sundays mean up earlier than usual for them and I just wasn't sure how they would hold up for 3+ hours. But..they did amazingly well! No meltdowns at all and they even handled between services excellent. Hayden had her daddy and that is all she cared about. 
Eating a family. Nic grilled some pork chops that were heavenly:) 
Nap a family.This never happens so it was a very special treat. If you have kids, you know what I mean! Of course both of the kids were exhausted after the full morning they had, so we put them down. And get this...Hayden slept in her OWN bed for naptime. This is the first time in over a month that we have even gotten her to sleep in her own room. I kept waiting for the screaming to and fits to start...but they didn't! 
Grocery a family. Ok, so maybe this shouldn't be part of a "perfect day". But oh well...we did it so I have to write it:) I am finding it more difficult to talk both kids to the grocery store with me, so we waited until Nic could go with us. a family. Different times this summer we have ventured to the campsite that our friends have been at all summer. We enjoyed a huge dinner, playing on the playground, real live movie popcorn, and just being outside. 

To most of you, this is just a normal day. But not for us. So this was my perfect Sunday!

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