Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Updates on the Clan

Just a few updates with the Minder clan:
*Hayden is fully potty-trained and just totally loves her Minnie Mouse undies:)
*Colton is figuring out how to climb everything, but gets stuck
*Nic and dad started putting up the fence in the back yard...and let me tell ya, I LOVE IT!!! It will be nice to be out there with the kids and not worry about them straying out of the yard.
*I have been reading I Love a Cop...which has been very interesting and insightful.
*Colton has been switched over to whole milk...which he is not sure he really likes. He also is learning how to drink from a sippy. It is kind of like with the whole bottle issue...there are only certain ones he will drink from.
*I am looking for a new devotional to do...I want something that has me in the Word but everything that I have at home is just from a book....does that make sense? If there are any ideas, let me know!
*The kids have been totally loving springtime and would probably live outside if I let them.
*Nic and I had our first fire in the fire pit of the season the other night after the kids went to bed...probably the highlight of my week...just being out there with my phones, no nothing...except s'mores:)
*I found out that I get to start tutoring next week...which I am TOTALLY stoked about!! It is only one girl but still! I get to use my school supplies:) hehe. By the way...if you know anyone who is looking for a tutor...send them my way!
*Brooke and I saw Something Borrowed Saturday night while Nic stayed with the kids...good movie!! Thanks, Nic!
*I did a phone interview thing with a guy last month for Shaklee and it is on the May Shaklee Hotline not interesting to you, but it SO is for me!
*I got the house fully cleaned the other day...lasted for a whole 2 hours!
*I feel like Hayden has grown so much in the last couple of weeks...she is such an amazing little person...and really is great company. She has become more helpful and is loving the cuddle stage...which I am taking it all in! Might not last long:)
*With the rain that we had for a few days in a row at the beginning of the week, Hayden and I searched for things to do in the house to keep busy...filled time with Play-doh, making brownies, reading books...a lot of them, cleaning the play room...and then totally destroying it again:), playing with babies, random dance parties, sitting on the potty forEVER:), mommy trying to work out as both babies climb over me the whole time...does make for a harder workout! We watched "B" aka Ramona and Beezus, folded laundry, threw laundry across the floor thinking it is a game, and so much more!
*So, that's all...we have been real exciting, haven't we? ha

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